Essential required to be an effective public speaker

Comment on ten essentials public speaking that a public speaker has to adhere in order to be an effective presenter or speaker.

Public speaking had been defined by many scholars according to their different perceptions.

According to Robert G. Newman and David K. Perry define public speaking as the art of communicating ideas, information and emotions to a group of people in a way that is engaging, persuasive and memorable. Also, public speaking according to John F. Skinner is the process of sharing meaning by creating message for delivery to an audience . Also, Andrew D. Colvin and Collette M. Spillman in their book public speaking: the evolving art, define public speaking as the process of preparing and delivery a speech to an audience which involve researching, organizing and presenting in clear and effective manner.

But also, Dale Carnegie define public speaking as the process of speaking to a group of people in a structure deliberately manner intended to inform, influence or entertain listeners.

In general public speaking is the process of communicating information to an audience. It involve the group of people in a deliberate structured manner for example political rallies, seminars, debate, workshop and academic conferences. Public speaking involve different elements such as speaker, one who say, message or content to deliver, audience, where that is place of an event, channel and time as well as feedback.

Public speaker 

Effective speaker is the one who follow and observe all essentials of public speaking such as voice quality, use of body language, anticipating questions and time Management. Public speaking is delivery for the different aims such as providing education, entertaining, inspiring, inform and communicate. Therefore no body is born a public speaker rather than observing essentials of public speaking. Hence the followings are the essentials of public speaking that every one in order to be effective speaker or presenter should adhere: 


For the person to be effective public speaker should adhere to rehearsal practicing, start by showing your speech for or presents. For example organize your friends either three or four and start delivering your speech in front of your friends. Through looking your face , tone and body movements and then after that make correction or adjustment if necessary. But also, you have to repeat the process several times until you feel confidence and ability to deliver your speech in front of the people.

Proper Dressing

Also to be effective public speaker should consider appropriate clothes, consider the formality of an event or audience . If you speak at the formal conferences for example you may want to wear business suits or dress, and then you can choose clothes and shoes that can make you comfortable and allow you to move easily. Apart from that consider the colour of your clothes wearing too much bright colour can be directing while neutral colour can help you blending in  your surroundings, make sure your clothes and appearance relate to your speech event if is academic event wear formal academic clothes. Therefore make sure your clothing is and  fit well.

Audience analysis

For the one to be effective public speaker should adhere to audience analysis, this is the process of gathering and interpreting information about audiences to better understand their characteristics, needs and preferences. The information gathered can include demographic such as age, gender, education and occupation. By analysing audience the speaker can adapt the content, tone and delivery style to better resonate with audiences and achieve their desirable outcome. For example if speaker is giving presentation on the technical subject to a group of non technical audiences, they may need to simplify the language and provide visual aids to ensure the audience stays engaged. On other hand if the audience is composed of experts in the field, the speaker will need to provide more detailed and technical information to satisfy their curiosity and interest. Hence through adhere to audience analysis any one can become effective public speaker.

Anticipation of Questions 

Also, in order to be effective public speaker one should anticipate questions and problems on what your going delivery, the speaker should anticipate potential questions that the audiences might have and address them in their presentation. This help to build credibility and trust with the audiences and demonstrate that speaker has a strong understanding of the subject matter. For example if speaker is delivering presentation on climate change he/she may anticipate potential questions such as “what is the evidences for climate change “ or “what can we do to overcome its effects “ by addressing these questions in the presentation, speaker can provide more comprehensive and engaging experiences for the audiences.

Appropriate pronunciation

To be effective public speaker should develop well and appropriate pronunciation, this is very important in public speaking or presentation, it is all about pronunciation of words correctly and clearly, audience will easily hear, understand and develop their interests. This will help speaker and audience because listener will focus on the message rather than mistakes done by the speaker. Also by having correctly pronunciation will reduce rate of questions from the audience. For instance repeat again that is boring questions to the speaker while speaking. Hence by developing well and correctly pronunciation can enable any one to be effective public speaker.

Identify sources of your fear

Also, to be effective public speaker should be able to identify sources of your fear, fear is the big phobia which face many people when they speaking to the public. This occur when a speaker not well prepared with the presentation and false perceptions such that all eyes of audience looking at him/her. Hence through this speaker must know the source of his/her fear in order to overcome them , one should work on that weakness in order to be good presenter. Therefore when a speaker identify source of fear can enable him/her to deliver information to the audience without any fear from the listeners hence can be effective public speaker.

Voice quality

To be effective public speaker should consider voice quality during speech delivery, the most important part of your delivery should be voice, you as a presenter giving speech should speak with audible voice. If he audiences can’t hear you also they can’t understand what you speaking. Like other skills strengthen your voice make practice but it is time well spent. If you have an attractive voice are believed to be more dominant and are perceived higher achievers. Strengthen your voice can help you with your speech, but it can also help you to in other parts of your life. A strong voice will help you in your job interview, meeting and interpersonal relationships. Hence to be effective public speaker should be able to have quality voice.


Also, in order to be effective public speaker one should be fluency in his/her speech, fluency is quality of speaking so that words and thoughts flow from your mouth 8n gentle stream. Think of the words coming from your mouth in that fashion. It has to do with learning how to control words as they come from your mouth . Speaker would require to learn how to have control of what we say and the way we present our message. Real this is an essential aspect of mastery of public speaking. The cause of lack of flow can be divided into three areas mental preparation, speech preparation and delivery preparation . For now if fluent speech is a challenge for you, force your self to identify with only 3 to 5 words what you want to say. Simplify what you want to express into its basic elements. By doing that any person can be effective public speaker.

Manage time

To be effective public speaker one should be able to manage time, time management is important because it ensure a speaker stay on track and delivers their message within the allotted time frame. An effective public speaker will plan their speech ahead of time and practice delivering it to ensure they can deliver it within the allotted time frame. This not only show respect for the audience’s time but also help the speaker maintain their credibility and authority. Using more time can disturb your audience and cause ineffectiveness speech delivery.

Adhere to body language

Also in order to be effective public speaker one should adhere to body language, this is also critical in public speaking. Effective public speaker use their body language to convey their message , build rapport with their audience’s attention. Goody body language include of appropriate gestures, maintaining eye contact with audiences, and standing with good postures. These non verbal cues can help the speaker connect with the audience and emphasize their message.

In general 

 No one is born a public speaker, an effective public speaker require careful planning, preparation and practice. As a speaker it is important to know your audience, define your objective, research your topic, organize your content, use visuals, practice your delivery and evaluate your performance. By following these essentials you can deliver a successful presentation that engage your audience, convey your message affectively and leave a lasting impression. With deduction and effort any one can become confident and effective public speaker.

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