Scheme of work and it's Components | How to prepare scheme of work


Syllabus is an official content or topic to be taught at a particular group of leaner at specified period of time. It can be at form one to form four also can be for four years and it aim to guide a teacher on what to teach to leaner of a certain level of education. In any country syllabus are prepared by bodies and authority mandated for curriculum development. For example in Tanzania  Tanzania Institute of education is one which is responsible for curriculum development.

So in General Syllabus is general outline of content to be taught throughout the year at all level hence can be broken down into manageable teaching unit for effective teaching and learning.So such manageable teaching unit known as SCHEME OF WORK.

What's scheme of works.

Schemes of work is an action prepared by teacher to enable teacher to implement different unit of Syllabus.Also it show sequence of topic and subtopic to be taught in a classroom during a specified period of time.

A schemes of work is derived is derived from syllabus and it can be  a plan of a week,Mounth,one term ,or one year.

NOTE; Syllabus is an official documents made by authorized body eg Tanzania Institute of Education.But teacher is responsible for making action plan to implement Syllabus.

Schemes of work composed alot of components to be considered on its preparation for implementing Syllabus.



This is the first component in preparation of scheme of work in which teacher should identify what's competence learner will get after lesson.Forexample in History form one on First topic Source and importance of History the competence of learning will look like that Students should be able to define the term History. 

2.General Objectives

Second component of scheme of work on which teacher should identify general objective of learning a certain topic.Forexample for History Form one first topic general objective can be :-

Students should be able to explain the concept and appreciate the importance and sources of History.


This is time in term of Mounth according to the calender  on which a certain topic and subtopic is going to be taught can be January to December and this component is important in scheme of work so as to know what Mounth the topic and subtopic is going to be taught.Forexample can be January,December whatever.


A part from Mounth on which the topic and subtopic is going to be taught also week is very important to be indicated to show on which week a certain subtopic is going to be taught and this is located after mounth.Forexample in our calender each Mounth has four weeks so Week on scheme of work range be tween four weeks.Forexample in May can be First week Second week,Third week and fourth week 


This is a topic to be taught to learners.Forexample in History form one The first topic which is main topic is Sources and importance of History.


After a topic another component to be indicated on schemes of is subtopic which is small part of topic to be taught.Forexample form fist topic Sources and importance of History first subtopic can be Meaning and importance of History.Remember that all information derived from syllabus.


This is important component of scheme of work which show the position of your lesson on a day which you teach by including other lesson apart from the subject you teach.Forexample your subject can be either the first lesson on a day or last so you have to indicate the number of your lesson when appeared.

7.Teaching Activities

This is an activity which Is given to Students in order to ensure their participation also can be quiz, take home assignment,or Brainstorm.Forexample it can be Giving students assignment, Brainstorm,or asking questions. 

8. Learning activities

This is another component of scheme of work which follow after teaching activity so what you expect or what Students will do after being assigned by teacher as teaching activity.Forexample Students should debate , Discussion on group this depend on the teaching activity given by teacher.

9.Teaching and learning Material.

Also teaching and learning Material are very important component to be shown on scheme of work this includes all objects which will required to conduct learning.Forexample if teacher is teaching Geography about Map can take use map as learning Material depends on the topic can be human skeleton for those who teaching biology or other any object so those object should shown on  scheme of work.


Also another component of scheme of work is assessment where by a teacher asses a student wether they understand or not so he make  general evaluation of lesson can be either by asking some questions to learner or students to explain about the concept taught in class.


This is last component of scheme of work on which a teacher remark on what he or she taught in the class or not taught.Forexample if lesson has been taught can remark it as taught if not can remark as not taught.

Note:Scheme of work can broken into lesson plan.

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