Communication Barrier and How To Overcome for Effective Communication


Our today concern is about communication barriers and how affect communication process and last is how we can overcome such communication barriers so as to ensure smooth communication as there a different type of communication barriers. Before all first we have to know the meaning of communication, Communication barrier and last is the meaning of effective communication.

What is the meaning of Communication?

Communication, refers to an act which involving the process of exchanging information from one person or an individual to another but not only that can from one organization to another organization and the whole process of communication done through the use of known language , sign and  symbol. Also communication done through appropriate media. Also Communication has five key elements which are sender, information, Channel, Receiver and feedback and done through either written communication or oral communication.

What is communication barrier?

Communication barrier, is any interference that affect communication or affect the exchange of information from the sender to receiver and making communication so difficult. Also there are various types of communication barrier which hinder effective communication to extent that communication become to hard among the speaker such communication barrier includes internal barrier, external barrier and semantic barrier.

Effective Communication

Refers to the ability of transfer an information clearly to the specified audience. As communication process require a sender to understand the meaning in the same way. So effective communication involved the use of clear language pronunciation and being familiar with the audience.


Communication faced a lot of barriers which affect the meaning required to reach toward the audience such as physical barrier, language barrier, cultural barrier and psychological barrier so such barrier explained as follows:-


This barrier is common to the speaker with different language where by each  one did not understand the language of others so this make difficult for them to make effective communication. For example if the first speaker is Spanish could  be hard to make communication with Tanzania if he or she is not familiar with Swahili so in order for them to make communication there should be translator who are familiar with all language the use so due that the issue of language barrier hinder effective communication also  under language barrier also different meaning of the word used in communication  hinder effective and this is due to cultural different some  of word  deliver different meaning from one society to another.


Also communication affected by various barrier found on environment around the speaker. This can be  noises, either building found be tween speaker. For example if there is noises it would be hard to make Communication because it will obscure hearing hence effective communication could be hard to be attained.


This another barrier toward effective communication where by  receiver of message from  sender could faced with physiological prom like hearing problem, Illness, Poor sensory perception also memory problem and overload of information can be a barrier over effective communication. For example if a certain person had hearing problem it could be hard for him to make Communication since it's difficult to hear what is being spoken also people with memory problem it's difficult for him to make Communication since he or she will use a lot of time to respond to the sender of information.


 Also culture of an individual is biggest barrier toward effective communication where by  culture to large extent play vital role in communication process especially for non verbal communication.

Non verbal communication, this is the form of communication which does not involve the use of spoken language rather involved the use of body language like hand , shoulder, head, finger etc.

Body language to large extent is influenced the culture of a particular society depending on their life style.

For example some word depend culture of a particular society as HAYA in Kagera Region use word like KUSWERA while they mean Being Married to other society like Waha in Kigoma the same word have different mean as sex .

So culture affect Communication to large extent.

Important In order Communication To be effective such barrier could be avoided in order to allow understanding be tween speaker.


Various barrier discussed above can be overcome to ensure effective communication but some of them it's hard to overcome and it require time for speaker to overcome it.

1.Use nonverbal cues: nonverbal cues, together with facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language, can often bring extra that means than words alone. Use these cues to assist convey your message and to understand what the opposite character is making an attempt to mention. So by doing so it will enable effective communication to some extent.

2.Take into account of cultural variations: in order to overcome cultural barrier a speaker should be familiar with the culture of an audience so as to avoid  conflict and misunderstanding during Communication so by doing so Effective Communication could be attained.

3. Simplify the language: if you are talking with someone who speaks a unique language try and use clean phrases and avoid using jargon that won't be acquainted with. So speaker ought to use easy language relying to his or her target marketplace as an instance if the target audience is uneducated speaker required to use clean language basing to the level schooling of receiver of facts.

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