Forms of Speech Delivery and It's Features


Speech Delivery 

Speech delivery in the context of public speaking refers to the process of presenting a formal talk or a speech to an audience. This process can be appeared into four main kinds; a manuscript style, a memorizing style, extemporaneous style and impromptu style. A manuscript style of speaking is the word to word interaction of a written message   where by a speaker maintains his or   her on the notes that has been well prepared to present on the speech, Memorizing style is the role of recitation of the written message that the speaker has committed to memory in which the message needs to exact and the speaker does not want to   be confined by notes. Extemporaneous speaking style is the presentation  of a carefully planned and rehearsed  speech ,spoken in a conversational manner using well prepared notes .Impromptu style of speaking is the presentation of short notes without advance preparation where by speeches often occurs when a person is asked a question  to say a few words about a certain issue, impromptu style also has no any advance content in terms of notes ,used imprompt nou style instead of full out and without more explanation in critical way. Those kinds of speech delivery that have unique characteristics to each other and also have differences to each other on consideration  to their criteria as follows;-


There are four style through which  a speech can be delivered from speaker to audience and each method are differ from one another but can be applied at the same time either during public meeting or seminar presentation. So such style of speech deliver are follows;-

Manuscript Speech Delivery.

This is the kind or style of speech delivery where by speaker or presenters relied  on prepared paper or notes sounder this form of speech delivery speaker prepare notes on what he or she going to talk on before presentation. For example presenter informed before presentation day on the topic what he or she going to present then he prepare notes about a topic for presentation. This style of speech delivery is most used by political leader especially in public meeting also during provision of report about a certain project also can be used by various companies worker during proving report to the manager. 

Memorizing speech Delivery.

This is the kind of speech delivery where by speaker or presenter claim or memorizing the speech what he or she going to present to the public and under this style of speech a presenter get enough time to prepare and claim his or her speech so speaker memorize word to word of his speech and give out during presentation as he or she memorized.

Extemporaneous Speech Delivery

This is the kind of speech delivery where by speaker can present a certain topic without  paying much attention on the written notes and this kind speech delivery is much preferred  at university level as it gave a chance to speaker to seek various material for preparing speech so it develop knowledge among the presenter also under this kind of speech delivery there are interaction between the speaker and audience.

Impromptu Speech Delivery

This is the kind of speech delivery where by speaker deliver his or her speech without prepared notes also without preparation. This is most method used in daily life since most provide issue about a certain issue without preparation. For example in meeting leader can ask question to an audience and audience provide information about a question he or she asked without preparation. 


All form or style of speech delivery vary from each other as follows;-


A level of concentration on the contents of the topic delivery and the audience attention; manuscript seems to make efforts to concentrate on content of notes that have been prepared than controlling attention of audiences to concentrate on understanding the subject matters. Memorizing and Impromptu have with concentration on the contents of the contents of the topic in a critical references but have ability to concentrate with audience attention since there are little or no concentration on much reading while extemporaneous have equilibrium in concentrate on reading references of content and facing audience so as to maintain their attention to the content of the topic delivered.


Ability of making conversation between a speaker and audiences also varies from one style to another. In extemporaneous an memorizing have more ability of a speaker to make conversation with audience since there not much concentration on reading while in manuscript style does not allows a speaker to make conversation with the audiences since it engage much on reading notes, in Impromptu style the speakers lack much preparation hence have low understanding about the topic, hence cannot have the ability to make effectively conversation between a speaker and an audience.


In the level of accuracy on the subject matters on the content that have been presented varies from one kind to another .For instances, manuscript since have well prepared notes, the accurate level of the content is high compared to either impromptu or memorizing which have ability to lose the memory on important key concepts and lack in relevant accurate reference on the speech delivered. Extemporaneous can makes a speaker fail shortly on description to the facts that have been read from notes or outlines that speaker read.


On the side of flexibility ,Impromptu lack this characteristic since a speaker can escape an audience on fear of attacking question ,a manuscript limits a speaker to be flexible to face the audiences and make eyes contact due to much concentration on reading the script .In memorizing style a speaker when loose  memory on some of points can be confused and failing to continue with his or her speech while in extemporaneous seems to be more flexible to explain with references  the topic that have been presented but also concentrate to make audiences  participate on the speech that a speaker delivery.

From that; every kind of speech delivery have  its unique characteristics  that suits with some particulars environment , but extemporaneous  seems to be most efficient compared to other style since it more beneficial compared to other kinds as explained below;

It is natural and spontaneous .Extemporaneous style sound interesting, entertaining and conversation and content of speech and audience because are likely to engage with or listen to the speaker. The results in non-boring and often fruitiness   experiences for both speaker and listeners .On that also an audience can get a picture on the level of knowledge, communication skills and personality of the speaker.

It helps on the avoiding pitfalls of demonizing or misreading of words on speech .Through using reading references on notes a speaker are not easily makes pitfalls of memorizing also since there are more explanation given by knowledge’s the word that have been miss reader on the notes can be given alternatives vocabulary and explanation so as to make an audience have clearly understood on the content on speech delivered.

It is more flexible since a speaker can make non- verbal communication with audience and also  makes eyes contacts so as assess  the response of receiver on the  messages that been given to them . Also a to activate audience’s attention and checking on going situation among the audiences and their surrounding environment.

The speaker are able to speak in a more conversational tone with audiences since the way of using shorter  notes  focus  prevent speaker from getting lost in their words and explanation all gives a times to a speaker on listening a response on how a speech  have been understood to a listener. Also an audiences can get a picture on their aimed about the subject taught or a fact that have been given from a speaker whose they had seen his or her level of communication skills and personality.

Eventually ;although every  kind of speech delivery are good on their suitable environment, extemporaneous have more beneficial that can fit many spheres of public speaking that can fit many  effort to make  effective communication between a speaker and  an audience.

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Referencing and citation basing on APA Style.

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