Referencing and citation basing on APA Style


The first important things to note here is how Referencing and citation related. Referencing and citation to larger extent is two concept which are related to each other in academic writing where by referencing provide detailed information about the work cited in paper and its mostly written on the last pages.


Is the process of acknowledging specific source of information used in your work. Means that all sources which you referred in preparing your work should be written on last ‘ pages and this gave a chance to the reader of your works to access original source or material for more knowledge reading. 

Referencing and Citation in academic writing can be used to acknowledge the work of  others  and show how their ideas have contributed to your own work.


How to organize different type of referencing based on  APA format.

There are various reference which can be organized basing on the the APA format including  book, journal article, Website, Conference paper and Dissertation so will pass through one after another.



What is book?

Book is a written  / printed work consisting of page glued or pined together along one side and bound in covers. In organizing book  reference we have to consider important components including name of author, year of publication, Tittle of work and location of publication and last is publisher.

  a.Name of author

    this is the name of writer. The one who wrote a book  and it written by following the APA format as surname is written at first then followed by initial of his or her name. For Example if the writer of book is ABAS DYAMPAYE we start with surname then initial of his name.Forexaplhe coulcd be ;-  Dyampaye A. also you can found a work was written by more than one author what could you do ?

You could include all author starting their surname and initials of their name.

   b.Year of publication

This consider when a book is written and its written after the name of author and  it required to be in bracket according  to APA format. Example (2022). And after writing year of publication put full stop.

   c.Title of work or book

Also after writing the year of publication another component is tittle of book in which each first letter of each word on the title should be capitalized . For example The First Industrialization in Europe. Important to note is that the title not italicized  because the 7th Edition of APA writing did not guide  to italicize the title of book but when come the issue of 6th edition of organizing reference  the title of book should be italicized.

  d.Location of publication

Also another components of organizing book basing on APA format is location of publication this gave  location where a book has written and this appear after the tittle of book .


Who published the book ? and this show after the location of  publication.

For example you can found book with the following detail and you are required to organize it basing on APA style.

Tittle of book : The rise of Christianity in the world.

Year of publication: 2022

Author : Abas G Dyampaye

Location : kigoma

Publisher : Dyampaye press.

Its organization based on APA will be like that below 

Dyampaye, A.G (2022).  The Rise of Christianity in the World. Kigoma : Dyampaye Press.


Journal article , this is the collection  of articles like magazines that is published through the year regularly also this can applicable in your work  if you have cited it in your work. Like  book journal article includes name of author ,title of journal article ,title of journal, volume, issue, page number and Uniform Resources Locator URL. Also  journal can be written by single or multiple author.


Is the text of paper or presentation given at conferences also can be either seminar or an village meeting organize by the village authority to discuss various pertaining to their community and can be organized by individual person or organization. and its format including:

Author, Year of publication, title of paper .In editors. Title of proceeding, page number. location.  Publisher.

For Example of conference paper data.

Title; The role of agriculture in rural areas.

Authors 1; Juma Amon

Author 2:Amos John

Editors; Ashura Moshi

                Hamis Johnston

Title of proceeding: The conference on Agricultural development in rural areas.

Page : 45-69

Location :New york

Publisher : Dyampaye Press.

This is an example of an information of conference  information and we are just organizing it in reference basing on APA format.

Amon, J,& John , A. (2023).The Role of Agriculture in Rural Areas. In  A. Moshi & H. Johnston  (Eds), Proceeding of Conference on Agricultural Development in Rural areas (pp. 45-68).New york: Springer.

This is the way on how you can organize conference paper on your referencing so as  a reader can obtain the original conference paper for further acknowledgment.


Also another reference is website reference and it’s better to know the meaning of website for better understanding about website referencing. Website refer to the set of related webpages located under single domain whereby can be produced by  single person or an organization and can contain identified author and other unidentified author. In organizing website reference almost four element are considered including name of author, time of publication, tittle of webpage,  Site name, Retrieved from URL.

For Example could be like that below.

Juma, A.Z. (2023, September,24). The role of Agriculture in Tanzania, retrieved from www...........

Referencing is important to acknowledge the work of others on you'r work and it's important to avoid plagiarism by showing where you have obtained ideas

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