How to Sign HESLB credit payment | Jinsi ya kusaini Mkopo DiDiS HESLB.


This is for Students who are beneficiaries of Loans from Higher Students Loans Board (HESLB).The Loans Board introduced new systems which enable loans beneficiaries to be able to sign HESLB credit Payment. This system is known as Digital Disturbance Solution (DiDiS).This article touches two kind of Loans Beneficiaries as the first Group will be all coming first year means that all student admitted to university this year and all continuous students but for continuous student it will be for second year only but not third year. Few to say about third year they will continue with Fingerprint system as usually. But on this article we look on how first year student can be registered on Digital Disturbance Solution (DiDis) but for second year we look how they can sign Credit payment from Higher Student Loan Board (HESLB).Through DiDis almost five items could be signed by Loans Beneficiaries such items including tuition fees and Meals and accommodation but further more booking and stationary expenses, special faculty and Research expenses. Read this article can develop understanding on how you as loans beneficiaries you can sign Higher Student Loans Board Credit.

HESLB Tanzania App


In order to sign Higher Student Loans Board credit, Loans beneficiaries should follow the following few steps like other scientific procedure also this steps are chronological arranged you cannot start the last step instead you have to start from the first stage to last steps. Read it carefully to get deep understanding about how you can sign HESLB credit payment through new payment system named as Digital Disturbance Solution (DiDiS).To sign HESLB credit payment through new payment system follow the following steps .Note this is for both continuous and first year students.

  1. Registration.The first steps to sign HESLB credit system is registration where by all loans beneficiaries except third year should be registered on new payment system DiDiS. But for second year they have already registered when they are first year but for those student admitted this year they will be registered. Those entering to university this year and those hoping to join different university in Tanzania, Loans officers from HESLB are already attended to various universities to perform registration of First year on this new payment system. This stage is not for second year but for first year as second year they have already registered on this system so Second year they should proceed with the next stage .Important to note make sure you understand each steps but for more understanding you can ask question about registration by leaving comment.
  2. Download the Higher Students Loan Board Tanzania App.The second stage after completing registration make sure you download HESLB Tanzania app but some of Loans beneficiaries they can as themselves where they can download HESLB Tanzania app. In order to download HESLB Tanzania app make sure you have smart phone which support android. Then navigate Play store then Search HESLB Tanzania App then install. The second step end up with download of HESLB Tanzania app on play store. Make sure your familiar with these steps for easily sign up of HESLB CREDIT Payment on new payment system. After complete step then jump to third steps for easily signup.
  3. Make sure you installed HESLB Tanzania app.Installation of app of Higher Student Loans Board Tanzania App. So make sure you installed application by following all guides on steps two hence proceed to the next steps.
  4. Login into HESLB Tanzania app.After downloading HESLB Tanzania app, Login by filling the username and password which you have been used during the time of application or creating account. The username name is form four index number followed by Year of Completion .S0000.0000.1970. After login into Higher Students Loans Board Tanzania app then confirm payment.
  5. Payment Confirmation.This is last steps which enabled Loans Beneficiaries to confirm payment through this new payment system named as Digital Disturbance Solutions (DiDiS.). This last stage has it sub steps to confirm payment. Follow the following few steps to confirm payment from Higher Student Loans Board.

Steps for Higher Students Loans Board credit Payment Confirmation

  • After Fourth steps which is to login, After Login the app will open to you three option at the top of your smart phone. That option are Pending, Completed and expired then you to click Pending.
  • After clicking Pending the system will open to you the type of payment and its amount .Then click sign.
  • Then token will sent through your phone number after clicking sign.
  • Correctly fill the token which you have received via your phone number in the space required.
  • After filling the token sign
  • After the sign of payment you will send message to confirm that, the money has sent to your bank account.
This system to large extent simplified funding of university student who are beneficiaries of Loans from HESLB. Also by following such steps you will have finished the whole process of signing your payment through using the new payment system DiDiS 

Note: Make sure have updated the app then open .
Some of students they could confuse how they can update HESLB Tanzania App.To updates Tanzania HESLB App visit Play store then search HESLB Tanzania App then click updates.

What to Do if I did not Receiving Otp Code Via message.

Most loans are encountered such problem but the solution is very easy you can sign loans without Receiving Otp Message on you mobile phone.Follow the following few steps as Follows:-
  1. Make sure you have Smart Phone
  2. Then open Heslb App then Click Sign.
  3. To get your Otp Code Visit to Chrome or Google then Login
  4. After Login Click on DiDiS option lastly click My Otp then you will see otp
  5. Last step note down the otp the return to HESLB APP LOGIN  Then click sign then fill the noted down otp then sign.

Recommendaction to simplify you can use two phone where by first phone you will be required to login into SIPA via Chrome and second via HESLB APP

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous October 27, 2023 at 1:23 AM

    What if I want to change my bank account!!!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous October 27, 2023 at 2:03 AM

    Thank you,The article is some how helpful but there is an issue on the HESLB app, that was mentioned in the article, it doesn't work.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous October 29, 2023 at 2:32 AM

    I've been across various sites trying to dig up full details of "didis iliyoboreshwa", non of them were satisfactory. I deliver my appreciation to the one who prepared this article, it's is very much useful and precise.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous October 31, 2023 at 5:57 AM

    Nakubaliii sana mkuu Wangu

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 6, 2023 at 3:28 PM

    Thanx verymuch! but when i'm trying to log in into the app with my registered account, it notified that i have no active aacout, why??

    • Dyampaye
      Dyampaye November 6, 2023 at 11:16 PM

      Thanks for visiting but you have not created account yet so you have to visit HESLB then create new account then login for more read about Didis

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 6, 2023 at 3:29 PM


    • Anonymous
      Anonymous November 28, 2023 at 9:50 AM

      Why there is many complication when you want to edit account number loan officers of university does no consider this situation so many students we suffering from this situation please we want help for this

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 14, 2023 at 5:37 AM

    Tatizo la mfumo huu haukubali kutuma OPT code kwenye namba za halotel msaada juu ya hili

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 20, 2023 at 4:57 AM

    Naambiwa no pending payment niki click hiyoo pending shida ni Nini

    • Dyampaye
      Dyampaye November 20, 2023 at 8:48 AM

      Thank you for visiting our site ,HESLB still on process of allocating loans be torelance

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 25, 2023 at 7:29 AM

    Why Does NMB have many problems? It has been a month since people signed but no any money

    • Dyampaye
      Dyampaye November 25, 2023 at 8:14 AM

      Consult loans officer at your university for more information and instructions about such problem.Thank you

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 29, 2023 at 6:55 PM

    Mbn nikiingia wanaandika. No pending shida ni nn wkt allocation watu wengine washapat

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous January 4, 2024 at 12:01 PM

    Yaan me nikiongia kulogini
    Inanambia no active account shida ni nn?

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous March 29, 2024 at 9:30 AM

    I need philosophical course's slide, include PL112,PL142,PL132,PL122,DS113 AND AS103

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