The Subject Matter and Philosophy of History Full Notes Pdf


This is first module for HI 260 which complies three important concept including as History, Philosophy , Philosophy of History , Historiography also subject matter of History last concept is Methodologies of Download all slides for HI 260 free pdf form.


The concept of History has been discussed by many numbers of Scholars and each scholar defined it in different way to other.

Bone Smith defined History as an objective account of the past and this objective account of the past is free from Bias,Race,Class,Gender and Politics.
Hi 260 Subject Matter Of History Slides

Where we get an objective account of the Past?
An objective account of the past coming from the past records which stored in different ways as follows:-
  1. Memory
  2. Paper
  3. Audio
  4. Museums
  5. Structure
  6. Past remains.
Also apart from Bone Smith also  Becker defined History in different way as a sense of the past that offer appreciations or capacity to make moral judgement. 

Also for R.F.Johnston as Historian philosopher say that History is considered to be  History by meeting a certain criteria so in order  History to be considered as History should meet the following criteria .
  1. History has to be an account of the past circumstances and Events.
  2. Socially relevant.
R.G.Collingwood Defined History as a type of inquiring the past also in other way  can be a research of the past.
What are the aim of past research?
The aim of inquiring the past is to get an account of the past.

Short Background of History Before and After 20 Century.

Period before 20 Century History  was considered as past politics but after 20 Century other History emerged as :-
  1. Social History
  2. Demographics History
  3. Environment History
  4. Urban History.
Before 20 Century the discussion was narrow but after 20 Century History discussion become wide.
Note: we use that past events to explain the present.


From the ancient up to date there are two types of History.
  1. Literally History,which existed from 15 Century to the mid of 19 Century.
  2. Scientific History,This existed from the Mid 19 Century up date and founded by Leopold Von Ranked.also can be defined as studies that seeking universal tool and hidden realities about human society.
First Concept Done you can read more on various Historian book for more understanding.

The Concept of Philosophy

Is the the critical reflection of the truth and realities.Long time years ago some discipline not exist but what learn was Philosophy.Before 19 Century Philosophy was considered as Queen of Science and History occupied special place.
Important: There is huge connection be tween History and Philosophy.


  • Metaphysics
  • Axiology
  • Logic
  • Epistemology.
BUt important to know Historian applied the epistemology to offer analysis and interpretation of the past as Epistemology can be referred as a theory of created knowledge also deal with how knowledge created.

Difference Be Tween Philosopher and Historian.

Philosophy not put always in term of History.Some time they agree with Historian and some time did not agree with Historian.
  1. Problem in showing the past and Present.
  2. Analysis of events and things.
You can get more explanation by reading books also by tracing on note taken during lecture series about the difference between Historian and Philosopher.


This term Philosophy of History did not exist before 18 Century.This term was coined by Voltaire when he coined Incan Philosophy of History.In other word Philosophy of History is the scientific study of History a ND these dominated 18 Century but by 19 Century other Philosophy emerged.

Hegel in 19 Century(Idealistic)
Described Philosophy of History as simply universal or world History or what we call global History.According to Hegel Philosophy of History was an absolute and idealistic.

Positivist (Opponent of Idealistic)
These considered Philosophy of History as the descovering of general laws which governing the causes of the events and going to be critical reflection of the truth.
Note: Both idealistic and positivist argue that History has significance.

Important issues raised by Philosopher of History.

Philosopher of History raising a number of Important issues as follows:-
  1. Historical Truth
  2. Objectivity of Historical Knowledge
  3. Division Be Tween Subject and Object
  4. Explanation.
Where by Explanation can be referred as how can you explain an account of the pastor circumstances of the Past.

Types of Explanation Which Dominate History

  1. The Law Theory of explanation.
  2. Rational Theory of Explanation.
  3. Narrative Theory
Other Aspects 
All Historical events do not occur on the vacuum or context less instead occur due to a certain factor also in a certain context.In order to identify the causes or factor of a certain Historical events or circumstances you can explain by using two things.
  1. Categories of Values.
  2. Theoretical Categories.


Philosopher of History Categorized into two categories as follows:-
  1. Idealistic Philosopher of History.This categories of Philosopher emphasizes on the autonomy of History which we call History.They argue that the method of studying History are unique can not compared to other discipline like Physics and Chemistry.
They considered History as an important discipline before other Discipline.Forexample Benetto Croce an Italian Philosopher did not accept the separation of History and Ordinary History.
     2.Positivist Philosopher of History.
This is second group of Philosopher who argue that History is like other science.It using the same method as other science.
In other name assimilationist means that you assimilate other science method into History.

Apart from that short notes keep reading books for more understanding also tauches the issues of Methodolocal Holism and Methodolocal individualism.
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