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Physical Geography Solved Questions All Topics | Geography 1 Questions and Answers

Physical Geography Solved Questions All Topics.

Physical Geography Solving all topic means that Answer And Questions of Different Topic for Form Five and Form Six. This collection of solved question physical Geography or Geography One Cover all Form Five and Form Six Questions. Download question solved physical geography free on our site. Physical Geography Topic solved including Dynamic and Space of The Earth's, Soil , Structure of The Atmosphere Wetland Dynamic of the Earth few mentioned.
Physical Geography Solved Questions All Topics

Questions and Answers Geography One

1. Refute the statement that “The earth is Isostatic” provide four points.

         i. Rotation of the earth.

        ii. Revolution of the earth.

       III. Denudation and Deposition.

        iv. Plate Tectonic / Continental Drifting.

2. Identify four (4) types of underground water and (2) Value of underground water.

Types of Underground water

  •  Connate underground Water
  •  Juvenile Underground Water
  •  Oceanic Underground Water
  •  Meteoric Underground Water.

Values of Underground Water

  • Help
  • Help
  • Help

3. Discuss major factors affecting the shape of the Earth. Give Six Points

  •  Rotation of the Earth
  • Revolution of the Earth
  • Gravitational Force
  • Isostatic Movement
  • Plate Tectonic
  • Volcanisms and weathering
  • Erosion and Deposition.

4. Examine six factors which influence the rate of coastal wave erosion.

  • Width of beaches
  • Nature of the Coastal Rock
  • Human activities
  • Prevailing Wind
  • Wave Steepness
  • Nature of the Material
  • Fetch of the Sea.
  • Supply of Beach Material.

5. Examine the factor affecting the amount of Isolation on the Earth Surface. Give Eight Points.

  • Longitudinal Location
  • Aspect
  • Altitude
  • Oceanic Currently
  • Human Activities
  • Nature of Receiving Body
  • Solar altitude

6. Give four (4) source of soil colour and Four (4) importance of soil Colour.

Source of Soil Colour

  • Mineral
  • Organic Matter
  • Human Activities
  • Climate

Importance of Soil Color

  • It helps in Classification and description of Soil.
  • It helps in determining Soil temperature.
  • It helps to determine Soil fertility.

7. Analyze six (6) factors which prove that graded Profile is Idealistic concept.

  • Variation in the Nature of the Rock on riverbed and bed.
  • Climate variation.
  • Presence of Water bodies
  • River Rejuvenation
  • Continuous Erosion
  • Vegetation
  • Damming by either Man or Natural Forces

8. “People living in areas affected by Volcanisms benefit a lot of being occupants of those area” Justify

this statement with example.

9. “The global Variation in Climate highly determined by variation in Isostatic location” Disagree with the statement by giving six points.

  • Altitudes
  • Distance from the sun
  • Aspects
  • Oceanic currents
  • Prevailing wind.
  • Human Activities.
  • Alignment of the coastal.

10. Mr Mashaka is a famer who want to start the new farmer, in this process he need to identify the indicator which may help him to discovery productive soil. As a form six graduates educate Mashaka on the indicator which can be used to discover productive soil. Using six points.

  • Presence of Water
  • Presence and availability of Mineral plant Nutrients
  • Soil pH
  • Soil Temperature
  • Soil Colour
  • Soil Temperature
  • Soil Texture
  • Presence of Micro Organism

11.Examine two factors that influence composition of Soil Air.

Factors of Soil Air

  • Soil Water
  • Soil texture
  • Soil nutrient
  • Soil Porosity
  • Soil Structure

 Importance of Soil Air

  • Helps plants and animals to obtain Oxygen gas for Metabolism.
  • Accurate Oxidation and biological activity

12.Incongruity the statement “Mass Movement is not Vigorous”

 Reasons for Vigorous of Mass Movement

  • Formation of fertile soil
  • Tourist attraction
  • Formation Lakes
  • Provide building materials
  • Used for decoration
  • It help in slope stabilization

13. Appraise the statement of doomsayer that “Soil erosion is doom-laden to farmer of many communities”

  • Soil erosion resulted into land degradation
  • Soil erosion hinder agricultural mechanization
  • Soil erosion lead to desertification
  • Water Pollution
  • Destruction of animal habitant
  • Migration of people

14. Saying that wetlands areas in Tanzania are Malodorous is very hogwash. Sanctioned this statement.

(Importance of Wetland)

  • Water filtration and purification
  • It help in irrigation project
  • It facilitate Fishing activities
  • Are used as tourism and recreational center
  • Facilitate agriculture
  • They provide building material
  • Provide habitant to animals.

15.Explain the influence of climate and edaphic factors on formation of plant factors on formation community

  • Rainfall
  • Temperature
  • Light
  • Wind

 How edaphic factor influence the formation of plant community

  • Soil Depth
  • Organism content
  • Soil Texture
  • Soil pH

16. Describe the possible effects of Human being as a results of Depletion of Ozone Layer.

  • Occurrence of Diseases like Skin Cancer
  • Death
  • Sea level changes
  • Global warming
  • Decline of Agriculture
  • Disappearance of some species

17. How important Ozone layer is?

  • It protects the Earth from damaging effect of ultra-violet rays direct from the sun.
  • It regulates temperature.
  • It support agricultural activities
  • It maintain the atmosphere stability
  • It supports animal and Plant life.

18. What factors determines the forces of gravity between two bodies

  • The distance from the center of the Earth.
  • The Spin of the Earth on its axis

19. What extents can you use the theory of isostacy to explain the formation of Landforms.

  • Formation of Rift valley Eg. The great East African Valley
  • Formation of Fold Mountain eg. UniHimalayas,Udzungwa and Ruwenzori
  • Raised beaches
  • Formation of Rias and Estuaries between Coastal Land of Gambia and Sierra Leone
  • Formation of Volcanic features eg Mountain Kilimanjaro, Caldera and Crater

20. Explain various landform associated with plate tectonic Movement.

  • Formation of Mid oceanic ridge
  • Formation of Block Mountain
  • Formation of rift Valley
  • Formation of Plateau,
  • Formation of Volcanic mountains

21. Explain Factors influencing the direction and speed of wind .

  • Pressure
  • Friction
  • Temperature
  • Centripetal force
  • Gravity force
  • Curriolis force

22. Explain eight human activities that degrade wetland.

  • Deforestation
  • Overgrazing
  • Mining activities
  • Pest control
  • Industrialization
  • Construction of human settlement
  • Over exploitation of Natural resources 

23. A fertile soil is not necessary to be productive. Justify this by giving six points

  • Shortage of Labour forces
  • Low level of Science and Technology
  • Scarcity of Water
  • Shortage of capital
  • Formation of ice sheet
  • Poor government support
  • Cultural belief

24. What does you understand by soil conservation and give an account of the farming practices which will help to conserve soil.

  • Crop rotation
  • Destocking and controlling overgrazing
  • Application of organic farming
  • Mixed Cropping
  • Terracing method
  • Afforestation and reforestation

25. Nature and types of rock are determined by various factors. Explain any six factors

  • Chemical composition
  • Place of occurrence
  • Mode of formation
  • Texture
  • Degree of hardness
  • Permeability of the rock

26. Despite the critism tossed against the theory of plate tectonic ,the theory has become a unifying theory of geology.

  • It give an insight on rock cycle
  • Occurrence of oceanic floor spreading formed through the process of cooling and solidification
  • Formation of mid oceanic ridge
  • Formation of Island arc
  • It gives an insight on the origin and distribution of volcano

27. Explain Seven determinants of destructiveness of the Earth quakes

  • Magnitude
  • Distance from Epicenter
  • Nature of Underground Rock
  • Secondary effect
  • Depth

28. An agricultural officer went in Linganga Village to determine the quality of soil to improve crop production. Using eight points show the criteria used by the officers to assess the productivity of the soil.

  • Soil colour
  • Soil texture
  • Soil air
  • Soil water
  • Soil pH
  • Soil Temperature
  • Soil Structure
  • Soil Depth
  • Soil porosity

29. “Oceanic currents are the outcomes of several interacting number of factors” Justify the statement with six points.

  • Prevailing wind
  • Salinity different
  • Rotation of the Earth
  • The shape of Land Mass.
  • Shape of the oceanic basin.

30.Human activities and natural events have led to the variation of climatic condition over space and period. Provide six evidence for that variation.

Human Factor

  • Deforestation
  • Industrialization
  • Use of air condition
  • Greenhouse effect

Natural Events

  • Volcano Eruption
  • Tectonic movement
  • Change in Solar energy
  • Continental drifting

31. What are the function of water in process of chemical weathering

  • Formation of weak acid
  • Water act as Solvent
  • Water break mineral through hydrolysis producing new chemical compound
  • Water can oxidize rock mineral
  • Water can hydrate mineral by being absorbed

32. Explain six (6) factors determining the degree and variation on the damage caused by earth quakes.

  • Distance from the epicenter
  • Magnitude of the Earth quakes
  • Depth
  • Nature of Rock
  • Secondary effect
  • Location
  • Architectures


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