Top 10 Best Schools Form Four Results In 2023/2024 | Shule 10 Bora Matokeo Kidato cha Nne 2023

Top 10 Best Schools Form Four Results In 2023/2024 | Shule 10 Bora Matokeo Kidato cha Nne 2023

Are you Looking for Top Ten Schools For Form Four Examination Results 2023/2024. Easily you can get The List of Schools Which Performed better in Tanzania but the List will be for both Government and Non Government Schools.Top Ten School for Form Examination Results are calculated through GPA of School on Rank of National wide as the performance of schools are categorized into almost three level as at level of ward, district, region and last was national wide.
The subject involved in determining the rank of schools are subject taught at secondary Level which included Kiswahili, Civics, Geography, Biology few mentioned among others.So through all subjects is where the National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA)  determine Top Ten School in Tanzania.
Top Ten School Matokeo ya Kidato cha Nne  2023/2024


The List for Top Ten School For Form Examination Results will be listed below not only that some details about school such as location and number of students and more other details for benefits of parents to get awareness.

  1. St. Francis- Mbeya
  2. Kemebos -Kagera
  3. CANNOSSA- Dar es Salaam
  4. Iliboru  
  5. Ahmes
  6. Feza-
  7. Tengeru Boys
  8. St.Dominic Savio
  9. St Josephy Boys Science


The best question to keep in your mind as Form Four Examination Results is very important at different level as for individual level and community level also individual level has been sub divided as Student Level also At Teacher Level. So Form Four Examination Results Is Important as Follows:-

1. Students Level: At student Four Examination Results determine excellence of leaners or students as his or her performance can make him to move toward the next steps or level or to have an alternative means through can fight against poverty.

2.Teacher Level : Also at the level of Teacher the Results of Form Four Examination are used to evaluate the working efforts of Teacher Good Performance of Students on a certain Subject indicates that a teacher has great effort on teaching while Poor Performance is vice verse to Good Performance

3.School Level : At School Level Form Four Examination Results are used to Determine the Quality of School also Rank of School or Position of School at Level of Ward, District also National Wide.

4.Community Level : We believe that among the role of education is to produce productive graduates who can meet the needs of the communities also who can solve different social problem that are occurring in the community. Therefore form four examination results has great impact in the community.

Education is weapons through which we can Fight against Poverty so in that sense we can use education to fight poverty as most graduates of Higher Education as University failed to understand the real meaning of education thus why many number of them remained jobless and living under poor living conditions. 

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