Democracy Notes Form Two Topic Four

4. DEMOCRACY | Form Two Topic Four

Concept of Democracy

Democracy is the system of government whereby, the majority of the citizens make the decisions of their country. The government of any democratic state receives its power from the mandate of its citizens.

Principles of Democracy

Principles of democracy refer to the accepted basic rules that exist to guide democratic processes and practices in a nation. In any democratic state, there are ideas that most people believe in and necessary for democracy to succeed. They act as the basic of political activities. The following are some of those basic needs;

i. Citizens' participation. Citizens' participation is the involvement of citizens within the country in different affairs. Every citizen is obliged to participate fully in political, social and economic affairs of the country such as voting in election, paying taxes, etc

ii. Accountability and Transparency. Accountability is the responsibility of the leaders for their citizens. Transparency is the situation of doing things openness without secret. The government leaders in any democratic state are supposed to perform their duties and responsibilities in open way without any secret to the citizens

iii. Rules of laws. Rule of laws is the situation where all people in the country including leaders are equal under the laws and all orders are confirmed by the laws. In any democratic state, no one including leaders must obey the laws and no one is above the laws.

iv. Separation of power. This is the act of dividing authority among the organs of the state between the leaders. Each organ in the democratic state has the power to exercise its obligation without being interfered with other organs.

v. Regular Free and Fair Election. This is the situation whereby choosing the leaders or representatives is done democratically. In any democratic state election should be conducted in a fair environment.

vi. Political tolerance. This is the ability of a person to bear unpleasant and unfavorable political situation in the country. In any democratic state, the citizens are supposed to tolerate over unpleasant political situation which is not harm others

vii. Multiparty system. This is the existence of more than one political party in the country. Any democratic country must allow the existence of many political parties

viii. Economic freedom. This is the condition in which the citizens are allowed to own the properties and production of goods and services. In any democratic state, the people are allowed to own their properties, goods and services freely without being interfered. Also people are allowed to engage in any legal work

ix. Equality. This is the situation of being essential equivalent between people in the country. In any democratic state, there must be the existence of fairness to all people.

x. Respect of Human rights. Human rights are the basic things that all human being are entitled to and no one should interfere with. In any democratic states, human rights must be respected and protected to ensure equality to all people in the country.


There are two types of democracy namely;

1. Direct democracy

2. Indirect democracy

1. Direct democracy

This is the types of democracy in which all adult citizens assembled to participate in making decisions on the government affairs. This type of democracy is applicable only in the countries which have small population and small geographical areas, examples Greece in 5th and 4th centuries BC and it involved only rich adult men and not women.

Also direct democracy in our country is observed in the local and small communities such as school and villages. Many villagers in different parts in the country participate in making decision for the development of their villages.

This of democracy has many advantages such as;

i.promotes a sense of honour and ownership of the decision made the community members makes the decision made more legitimate because they are made by majority is less expensive compared to the indirect democracy. This type of democracy also has some disadvantages such as;

iv. it is not viable for large group of people is time consuming as it allows every member of the community to contribute in discussion and decision making does not work properly where community members have different interests and social economic status

vi. it can be affected by different levels of skills and knowledge

Features of Direct Democracy

i. It is applicable only in the areas with small population and small geographical areas such as village level, small community level and even tribal level, clan or family level

ii. The people (Adult) have enough freedom to make their own decisions concerning their country

iii. People contribute directly to the government decisions

iv. All votes have equal weight

v. All adult citizens have the right to vote on all national issues

2. Indirect Democracy

This is the type of democracy whereby, few people are elected to represent others on making the decision of the government. This type of democracy is applicable in the areas with high population and large geographical areas. Example Tanzania

Features of Indirect Democracy

i. The representatives are obtained through election and are removed in the office through election

ii. All adult citizens have the rights to vote to choose their representatives

iii. There are competition among leaders to win the position of representative

iv. The elected representatives are govern according to the wishes of majority

Forms of Indirect Democracy

i. Parliamentary Democracy

This is the kind of indirect democracy whereby people elect the members of the parliament. Then, the members of the parliament elect the Prime Minister from the majority party in the parliament who becomes the head of the Executive and the head of the government in the parliament. The Prime minister stays in power for the whole period of life of the Parliament. However, Members of Parliament can, in the event of misconduct, cast a "vote of no confidence" to remove the Prime Minister from the office. United Kingdom is the country run by this system of democracy

ii. Presidential Democracy

This is the form of indirect democracy whereby, the voters elect both the members of parliament and the head of the Executive who is the President. In this system, Legislature and Judiciary are independent from the Executive, but each has power to scrutinize the performance of the other. This is referred as "checks" and "balance" in the sense that, the Parliament and the Judiciary oversee the Executive under the President and vice versa. Example Tanzania

iii. Mixed Representatives. This is the form of indirect democracy whereby, people elect the head of the state who is the President and Members of Parliament. Then, Members of Parliament elect Prime minister. Good example is Israel, Ethiopia

The advantages of indirect democracy

i. it is appropriate in an area with a large population density and large geographical area,

ii. it is suitable in societies with freedom which allows the representative to oversees their government,

iii. it saves time since few elected representatives make decisions on behalf of other citizens,

iv. it provides a wide choice to the people to elect leaders of their choice during democratic elections

Disadvantages of indirect democracy

i. it does not allows the highest level of participation in decision making

ii. conflicts may occur especially during the election of representatives

iii. it can lead to underdevelopment in a certain area due to choosing incompetent representatives

iv. it requires effective, frequent and open communication

v. it is costly since electoral process require financial resource


Democratic government

Democratic government is the type of the government in which the political power and authority is determined by the popular election. This type of government considers the people in making decision and gets its legitimacy through free and fair election. Examples of democratic government are Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, etc.

Features/Characteristics of Democratic Government

i. There is the presence of rule of laws in the country. All people are equal under the laws

ii. The rulers are chosen by the people through election and they serve interest of the people

iii. Every adult citizen has the right to elect or to be elected to political office

iv. The decisions must be based on the will of the majority and with respect to the minority rights

v. There is the respect of human rights

vi. There is the separation of power in the government's institutions

Non-Democratic Government

Non-democratic government is the type of government where y, a leader come into power by force without considering the people's votes. This kind of government can be resulted from the military coup, manipulation of the election process or even changing the democratic state into dictatorship after the leader attain the power through election. In this type of government, only one person or group of people hold the power of the state. In this kind of government, the leader runs the government without considering the willing of the people in the country.

Features/Characteristics of Non-democratic Government

i. They are not answerable to the people

ii. Those who rule ensure that, their decisions are final

iii. Most of the dictators came into power by force

iv. They usually abuse their power.

Forms of non-democratic government

i. Fascism

Is the form of dictatorship which is hold by one political party which operates in the country with strict and severe rules. It suppressed the opposition party through terror and censorship

ii. Autocracy.

Is the form of dictatorship where a single person or small group form and control the government with unlimited power in the country. The leaders of this government can do whatever they want and judicial power rest on them.

iii. Authoritarianism/ Caesarism

This is the form of dictatorship where the government is controlled by military and seeks no consent of the people

iv. Totalitarianism

This is the form of dictatorship where the government ruled by few people controls all activities of the people in the country. No citizen has the right to challenge the government.

Implementation of democratic principles in Tanzania

In Tanzania, the following are some principles of democracy which are implemented

i. Citizens' participation. Citizens' participation is the involvement of citizens within the country in different affairs. Every citizen is obliged to participate fully in political, social and economic affairs of the country such as voting in election, paying taxes, etc

ii. Accountability and Transparency. Accountability is the responsibility of the leaders for their citizens. Transparency is the situation of doing things openness without secret. The government leaders in any democratic state are supposed to perform their duties and responsibilities in open way without any secret to the citizens

iii. Rules of laws. Rule of laws is the situation where all people in the country including leaders are equal under the laws and all orders are confirmed by the laws. In any democratic state, no one including leaders must obey the laws and no one is above the laws.

iv. Separation of power. This is the act of dividing authority among the organs of the state between the leaders. Each organ in the democratic state has the power to exercise its obligation without being interfered with other organs.

v. Multiparty system. This is the existence of more than one political party in the country. Any democratic country must allow the existence of many political parties

vi. Respect of Human rights. Human rights are the basic things that all human being are entitled to and no one should interfere with. In any democratic states, human rights must be respected and protected to ensure equality to all people in the country.

Participation Of Students In Democratic Activities

i. Opinions- sharing at the family level. A student can be encouraged to contribute ideas and opinions on various family matters.

ii. Election of student government. A student participate in electing their school government leaders who represent them in school leadership

iii. Debating on various issues in the society. Student can participate in different debate going on in the society

iv. Seeking and disseminating information. A student should stay informed about what happened in the country and inform others what is going in the country

v. Participating in democratic processes and practice. Students with 18 years old and above have the right to join civil societies and political parties of their choices.


Concept of Multi party system

This is the political system in a country where there is the existence of many political parties which operate their activities legally and freely. In any democratic country, multi party system is common as the means of ensuring the implementation of Human Rights

A Political Party

Is a group of people legally organized and registered for the purpose of forming the government of a certain country


Tanzania introduced multi party system in 1992. This is not first time, our country is experienced this system during the struggle for independence in both Tanganyika and Zanzibar. The political parties which existed during that time in Tanganyika were African National Congress (ANC), United Tanganyika Party (UTP), All Muslims National Union of Tanganyika (AMNUT) and Tanganyika African National Union (TANU).

In Zanzibar there were Afro-Shiraz Part (ASP), Zanzibar National Party (ZNP) and Zanzibar and Pemba People's Party (ZPPP).

After independence, there was constitutional amendment of creating single party system in 1995 in both Tanganyika and Zanzibar. In Tanganyika there was TANU and in Zanzibar there was ASP. Therefore, the from 1965 to 1992 there was the existence of single party system in the country

After reintroduction of multiparty system in 1992 in Tanzania, nowadays we have the following political parties

i. Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM)

ii. Civic Unite Front (CUF)

iii. Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA)

iv. Tanzania Labour Party (TLP)

v. National Convention for Construction and Reforms (NCCR- Mageuzi)

vi. United Democratic party (UDP)

vii. Chama cha Haki na Ustawi (CHAHUSTA)

viii. Jahazi Asilia

ix. Alliance for Change Tanzania (ACT- Wazalendo)

x. Alliance Democratic Change (ADC)

xi. Progressive Party of Tanzania (PPT- Maendeleo)

xii. Democratic Party (DP)

xiii. Tanzania Democratic Alliance (TADEA)

xiv. Sauti ya Umma (SAU)

xv. National League for Democracy (NLD)

xvi. National Reconstruction Alliance (NRA)

xvii. Demokrasia Makini

xviii. Forum for Restoration of Democracy (FORD)

xix. Union for Multiparty Democracy

xx. Chama Ustawi wa Umma (CHAUMA)

Features Of Multi Party System

i. Presence of law that allow multi-party system. In Tanzania, there is the law in the constitution which allows the existence of more than one party system. All political parties are operated legally and recognized by the government

ii. Existence of Special office that deals with multi-party system. In Tanzania, there is special office which handles the affairs of all political parties in the country. This office is called Office of Register of Political Parties.

iii. Power of a winning political party to form the government. In Tanzania, the multi-party election gives the power and authority to the winning political party to form the government in the country. The winning party acquires legitimate mandate to form the government

iv. Presence of political tolerance. In Tanzania, the existence of multi-party system create the political tolerance in such a way that, political parties which lose election can concede defeat and support the winning party for well- being of the people

v. It allows the debate on national matters. Multi- party democracy in Tanzania allows debate and discussion on national policies and development plans for the development of the country

Reasons Foe Multi Party System In Tanzania

i. Ideological changes in the world. This occurred after the disintegration of USSR and rise of USA. USSR supported single party system because of its socialist ideology, while USA supported multi-party system because of its capitalist ideology. After the decline of USSR, USA remained only powerful nation that perpetuating liberal democracy that promotes multi-party system.

ii. Pressure from outside. The spread of neo- liberal policies in USA and Europe made the African countries including Tanzania to adopt multi-party system due to the economic crises they faced. To recover with that problem they seek financial support from the donor countries which had some conditions including adopting neo-liberal policies which emphasized multi- party system

iii. Challenges from civil societies and pressure groups. The government of Tanzania experienced the challenges from the pressure groups and civil societies which criticized the single party system. The single party system was condemned for denying political freedom to the people in the country

iv. Widening the scope of democratic freedom. In Tanzania, multi-party system was adopted in order to give people wide scope of democratic freedom. People were given the freedom and opportunities to make their choices in different democratic affairs

v. The role of Nyalali commission. In February 1991, Francis Nyalali was given the Presidential commission to collect the views country wide from the citizens and make decision on whether the country should adopt multi-party system or continue with single party system. The report of the commission later on lead to gradual changes of the constitution to accommodate a multi- party system

Advantages Of Multi Party System

i. Creation of good governance. Multi-party democracy helps the political parties to co-operate and ensure good governance in the country because opposition parties create pressure to the government so as to become more serious in serving the citizens

ii. It stimulates the national development. Multi-party system stimulates the national development because the elected leaders are accountable to serve the citizens because citizens themselves elected and accepted their government leaders

iii. Ensuring good representation to the citizens. Multi-party system ensures good representation to the citizens because each political party creates its platform which represents the overall wills of the people

iv. Strengthening the political competition. Multi-party system strengths the political competition in the country because it creates the freedom of citizens to participate legally in political affairs such as voting for a leader or making choices to join with a political party

v. Promotion of democracy in the country. Multi-party system promote democracy in the country because it gives the chance to the citizens to enjoy their social, political and economic rights


Concept of Election and Democratic Election

Election is the process of choosing a leader by vote, especially for political position whereby the citizens are given the opportunity to choose a person to lead them.

Democratic election is the process of choosing leaders who operate through the principles of democracy. In any democratic country, the citizens are given the chance to choose the leaders in free and fair environment

Indicators Of Democratic Election

i. Free and Fair election campaigns. Election campaigns are the series of political meetings which are designed to win voters for a certain candidates and political party. In these meetings, candidates present their policies, promises and programs. Citizens are free to express their opinions and freedom of association. This will enable them to make the right choice in the election

ii. Equal opportunities to all political parties. There should be equal opportunities to all political parties and their candidates without biasness. The mass media should give equal coverage to all candidates of different political parties

iii. Code of Ethics for Election. This is the agreements between National Electoral Commission (NEC), Government and political parties for the purpose of sustaining fairness, mutual understanding and peace during election process. The NEC is responsible for planning, supervising and conducting election that are free and fair

iv. Presence of Neutral Electoral Commission. Election should be planned by neutral electoral commission which will operate independently without biasness to the political parties

v. Equal access to mass media. This also is important for any working democratic system. All candidates and their respective political parties must have equal access to mass media to air their opinions

Importance of Democratic Election

i. It promotes democracy. Democratic election promote democracy because it gives the opportunity to the citizens t participate in the political activities in their country

ii. It ensures good governance. The democratic election ensures the good governance because the elected officials such as members of parliament are accountable to their citizens

iii. It creates an acceptable government. Those who are elected are chosen by majority citizens.

This show that, the leaders are acceptable by the large number of citizens

iv. It strengthens democratic activities. It gives the chances to the citizens to ship changed their leaders peaceful and promote viable multiparty system in the country

v. It ensures the development in the country. This is resulted from the accountability of the elected leaders who will decide an important issues of the country for the benefit of the citizens

Implementation of free and fair election in Tanzania

Concept of Free and Fair Election

Free and fair election is the situation whereby choosing of leaders or representatives is done democratically. This means that, in order for election to be free and fair it must be competitive, periodic, inclusive, definitive and not limited to selecting candidates

Conditions For Free and Fair Election

i. Equal competition to all political parties. There must be the competitive for vacant seat for councilors, members of parliament or president under equal treatment. Every political party are free to assemble, move and make speeches

ii. Frequency of Election. There must be election interval where the election must be conducted in specific period. In Tanzania the general election is conducted after every five years

iii. Wide range of alternatives. There must be many choices to select the candidates. This means that, election should not be limited to select a candidate or representatives

iv. Presence of Secret Ballot. The election must be conducted in secrecy environment where people can vote for their representatives without fear

v. Election must be inclusive to all adult citizens. The right to vote must be exercised by the large proportion of the adult population who qualify to vote.

vi. Presence of Neutral Electoral Commission. Election should be planned by neutral electoral commission which will operate independently without biasness to the political parties

vii. Free flow of information. This also is important for any working democratic system. Accurate and unbiased information is needed by the people to make correct decisions

Voting procedures in democratic electio

i. Registration of voters. All eligible citizens are registered by the electoral commission in a permanent voters registration book and after that they are provided with special voter's identity card that will be used during the election

ii. Commencement of election campaigns. Election campaigns are announced by the National Electoral Commission. All political parties are allowed to participate in peaceful campaigns

iii. Voting process. A day of election to all eligible citizens in the country is announced by the National Electoral Commission. The voters are given ballot paper which they cast their vote. They go into the voting booth (chamber) to cast their votes by pitting (v ¿ to a candidate whom they wishes

iv. Counting of votes. after the voting, the electoral commission officials and representatives from political parties will count the votes and later sign up a special form of confirming the number of votes each candidate obtained

v. Announcing the election results. In a democratic election, the winners are announced soon by the responsible authority as stipulated in the election laws and principles.

National Electoral Commission (NEC)

National Electoral Commission is the organ responsible for supervising and coordinating the general election and by- election conducted in Tanzania. The head of NEC is the chairperson who is appointed by the President of the united republic of Tanzania from among of the judges of High Court or Court of Appeal and he or she is assisted by a vice- chairperson who also is appointed by President. Also in the NEC, both chairperson and vice chairperson are assisted by Director of the Election who is appointed by the President and he or she is responsible for executing daily routine of NEC. Zanzibar has her own electoral commission known as Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC). Both NEC and ZEC are constitutionally required to operate collaboratively

The Roles of NEC during the General Election

i. To make people complying with electoral rule. NEC is responsible to ensure that, the election participants must comply with constitution and electoral laws

ii. Provide civic education for voters. NEC is responsible to provide civic education for the election procedures to the voters in the country

iii. Make timetable and notice available before hand. NEC is responsible to arrange and make timetable for the conducting the general election in the country

iv. Provide adequate training for electoral staffs. NEC provide the training to its electoral staffs in order to perform well the electoral activities during the general election

v. To announce the results of the election. NEC has the power to announce the election results in the country, and the presidential result is announced by the chairperson of NEC

vi. Declaration of the electoral constituencies. Constituencies are the areas of election which are represented by the members of parliament. Example Tanzania has 264 constituencies


Concept of spirit of tolerance

Spirit of tolerance is the inner behavior of being in the mood of unpleasant situation. In any democratic state all citizens are supposed to demonstrate both the spirit of accepting constructive criticism and defeat. The spirit of tolerance helps people to accept announcement of election results. Spirit of tolerance should be observed on

i. During election campaigns. This is the part of initial election activities where the candidates from various political parties hold meeting to tell people about their party and convince people to vote for them. They should not try to force their ideas and opinions on others; it might lead to the conflicts

ii. During Polling Day. This is the day in which people vote in election. During this day people are supposed to have the tolerance due to the things that are taking place during this day. The following events take place on polling day;

- Once the voters arrive at a polling stations, they present their voters cards to check their

names in the voters registration book by line

-Voters are given ballot paper which they cast their vote. Ballot paper is the special paper used for voting. They go into the voting booth, the place where they make their mark on ball of paper usually (v - to a candidate whom they wishes

- Voters are secret in the voting booth. No one is allowed to see where the voters mark the ballot paper

- Voters placed the folded ballot paper into the boxes

- The voters' fingers are marked in dye or ink. This is to make sure that each person only votes once.

The voters show the tolerance by obeying order and procedures of voting. They should not quarrel with each other even if they support different political parties or candidates. They should not in any way try to stop any one from voting

iii. During counting of votes. When voting is over at a polling station, counting of votes begin. A designed official breaks the seal of the ballot boxes and opens the box in front of the political parties' agents and neutral monitors, sometimes international monitors are present. Each ballot paper is examined and counted by a ballot clerk with the monitors watching and checking on the counting. The spoilt ballot papers are kept aside.

A tolerance is shown during this stage when the monitors and agents do not just interrupt the counting process.

iv. During Declaration of Results. The results are announced on the spot. Parties' agents sign special results forms to confirm they have witnessed the vote counting process and accept the results, a copy of the results are posted outside the polling station. This is done to ensure transparency and avoid the possibility of election rigging. All results from the polling stations in a constituency is announced by the returning officer, he or she announces the winner of a constituency. The results of the presidential election is announced by

a chairperson of National Electoral Commission (NEC)

In the spirit of tolerance defeat candidates should accept the results. Their supporters too. The winners or supporters should also be humble in their winning and avoid angering those who have lost

Conducting by-election

By-election is the election which is conducted to fill a vacant seat of a Member of Parliament or a councilor between the general election. By- election is conducted if there is one of the following circumstances;

i. Resigning of councilor or Member of Parliament. By- election is conducted in a constituency or a ward if a member of parliament or councilor resign from his or her position

ii. Death of a councilor or Member of Parliament. By- election is conducted in a constituency or ward if a member of parliament or councilor died when he or she is in position

iii. Dissolve of the Parliament. By- election is conducted if the parliament is dissolved before the end of its life time of five years after the general election

iv. Failure of a member of parliament to discharge duties. By- election is conducted in a constituency if a member of parliament fails to discharge his or her duties

v. High court decisions due to wrong in general election. By- election can be conducted if the High court make decision for re-election due to the wrong in general election


1. Write short notes of the following

a. Democracy b. Multiparty democracy c. Election d. Democratic election e. Free and fair election

f. Election campaigns g. Political party h. National Electoral Commission i. ballot paper j. By- election k. polling station l. Polling booth m. National electoral commission (n) spirit of tolerance (o) election candidate (p) Citizens' participation

2. For the democracy to thrive in any country, there are the pillars of democracy to be observed. In five points, assess the achievements of Tanzania in broadening the scope of democracy

3. The chairperson of Ngosiko village held the village assembly in order to address the significance of having multi party system to the adult citizen in the village. As a democratic expert in Tanzania, highlights the features of that system of democracy in Tanzania

4. You have given the chance to deliver talks on the factors that contributed to the existence of multiparty system in Tanzania, which five points will you most consider?

5. The adoption of multiparty system in Tanzania brought the changes in practicing democratic activities in the country. As one of a leader of one political party in Tanzania, highlights five advantages of this system of democracy in the country

6. You are invited to give a motivational speech to the voters of Tanga constituency. Prepare five key points on the importance of democratic election in Tanzania

7. Many countries in the world hold the general election after every specified interval, but the challenge remains on whether the election is conducted in free and fair environment. In five points, explain how you can achieve the free and fair election in Tanzania?

8. The form two students of Msaragambo secondary school organized a tour to visit the National Electoral Commission (NEC). They wanted to know its functions and responsibilities. Assume you were the office in charge, elaborate five functions you will explain to the students.

9. People of Nganeko constituency conducted by- election to fill the vacant position of their member of parliament. What five circumstance you think may cause people in any constituency to conduct by- election

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