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Introduction to Civics | Form One Civics Topic One


Civics is the study of rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens. The term Civics is derived from the Latin word Civicus, which means relating to citizens. Generally, Civics deals with the study of organization, structure and governance in society, people's way of life as well as their individual and civic rights.

Main themes addressed in Civics

I. Governance and Government. Governance means the manner in which a country is governed. It looks the ways in which decisions, processes and activities are determined and implemented. By Government refers to the instrument used to govern a country. the study of Civics enables students to understand these aspects and become responsible Citizen

ii. International relations. Countries in the world do not exist in isolation. There are social, economic and political relationships among the countries in the world. Studying Civics help a students to understand the relationship among the countries in the world.

iii. Civic engagement. This involves participating in activities intended to improve the quality of life in one's community by addressing issues of public concern. Studying Civics enables a students to understand their rights and responsibilities in a society

iv. Human rights. In Civics, human rights refer to basic and fundamental values and freedom that a person has because he or she is a human being. The knowledge of rights enables students to be aware of their rights so as to demand and protect them.

v. Moral and family values. The development of a society and a nation at large depends on strong morals and values at individual and family levels. Civics, therefore, introduces students to the discussion of social morals, family values and life skills. Knowledge and skills under this theme enable students to manage conflicts and address violence, crimes, gender discrimination and child abuse.

vi. Cultural issues. The cultural aspects of Civics include language, beliefs, customs, traditions, morals and values. The study of Civics introduces students to different cultural practices found in the country. therefore, the knowledge acquired from Civics enables students to become aware of their culture and that of others, to enhance respect and peace in the society.

vii. Economic issues. Civics promotes awareness and participation of citizens in production, consumption and distribution of resources and hence prepares students to become better participants in economic activities for their personal and national development.

Relationship between Civics and other subjects

i. Civics is related to History through learning about various national festivals which reflect past events in our country and the world. Through these national festivals people learn important lessons which elaborate on the past, present and predict the future.

ii. Civics is related with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through learning issues of globalization that help people to develop awareness on contribution, challenges and adverse impacts of ICT in the world.

iii. Civics is related to Language. People can exercise freedom of expression and association through language. In some countries like Tanzania, language is one of the national symbols

iv. Civics is related to Geography which addresses issues of environmental conservation and sustainability of natural resources. In this view, Civics promotes citizens' commitment in protecting geographical boundaries and public resources through patriotism attitudes acquired from Civics.

v. Civics is related to science subjects. Civics underscores the needs of citizens to develop life skills necessary for social adjustment. Through Civics, people learn reproductive health education, for example Biology subject may act as an important tool for encouraging citizens to avoid risky behavior such as smoking, alcoholism and unhealthy relationships which could otherwise lead to Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. In this view, Civics enables students to understand these aspects and become healthy and good citizens.

Importance of studying Civics

i. To understand rights and responsibilities. Civics prepares students to be responsible citizens who understand their responsibilities and rights. Citizens have their rights and responsibilities as stated by the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania.

ii. Helps students to be more confident and conscious citizens. Civics also introduces students to life skills, family relations, proper behavior as well as career and work related activities.

iii. Civics helps students to understand and live according to their culture. In every country, people have their culture which governs their lives. As a result of learning Civics, students live according to their culture and therefore maintain their identity to become acceptable members of society

iv. Teaches students to participate in learning activities. Civics subject teaches the students to participate in learning activities such as public discussion on different issues. Through studying Civics, students learn how to engage in civic responsibilities such as voting and working with others

v. Help students to understand relationship between the nations. Through studying Civics, students learn about the relationship between Tanzania and other nations. Students learn how the world is organized and how Tanzania and other nations influence each other. Students also learn about the functions of major international organizations and institutions


1. As a form one student in your school, give the definition of the following terms that your teacher taught you

A. Civics B. Human rights

2. Mention five cultural aspects that you have been taught by your teacher in Civics subject

3. I think you have studied Civics subject very well, no doubt about it. Identify seven field where the knowledge and skills obtained from studying Civics can be applied

4. Is Civics subject related with other subject? Give five evidence on your answer

5. Suppose you have attended the debate in your school and the motion state that "Civics subject is more important than Biology subject". Being in proposer side, defend the motion with five points


The concept of a nation

Nation is a large community of people who are living together in a defined geographical area, who have the common history, culture and language under the government. Nation has specified boundaries that separate one nation from another. Examples of the nations are Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc. in Africa nowadays there are 54 nations.


The components of a nation are aspects that make it a complete nation. Tanzania is a nation which was formed after the union of two countries, Tanganyika and Zanzibar on 26th April, 1964. Tanzania has five essential components of nations as follows;

A. Boundaries or Territories

These are dividing lines between the area belonging to. The nation should has the boundaries in order to avoid sharing with other nations. Territories should be internationally recognized. For instance Tanzania is approximately 947.303 square kilometers of land. Tanzania as a nation is bordered with eight countries

? From north is bordered with Kenya and Uganda.

? From north-western is bordered with Rwanda and Burundi.

? From west is bordered with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

? From south-western is bordered with Zambia and Malawi.

? From south is bordered with Mozambique.

? From east is bordered with Indian ocean

B. Sovereignty.

Sovereignty is the ability and freedom of a state or a nation to exercise its power by governing itself. This means that, there is no any external power which controls the activities of that nation. There are two types of sovereignty which are

i. Internal sovereignty. In this, a nation has the power to exercise and supervise its affairs within its territories without being interfered with any nation.

ii. External sovereignty. In this, a nation has the power and freedom to form its foreign policy and governing policy, for example the foreign policy of Tanzania is to establish, emphasize and protect the social, political and economic interests of Tanzania through progress economic diplomacy and develop relationship with other nations and organizations.

The basic features of sovereignty are; presence of well-defined boundaries, presence of population that share common culture and has an international recognition

Importance of national sovereignty

i. To maintain good relationship. A sovereignty state promotes good relationship with other nations due to the existence of good foreign policy.

ii. To maintain peace and security of a nation. The sovereignty in a state ensures the presence of peace and security in a country due to the making the laws of the state.

iii. It brings national stability. A sovereignty in the country is important because its existence enables a nation to form its policies for the development in a country

iv. It is the sign of freedom in a state. The Citizens in a sovereign state become free from the external domination from other nations.

v. It helps a country to exercise its power. Sovereignty enables the leaders in a country to operate the state affairs freely without being interfered with other states

C. Government. Government is administrative organ of the country which consists of officials who run the affairs of the nation. In any country, there must be the group of elected representatives who are responsible for controlling the state matters. The government of any state has the power to administer and manage the activities of the people within the country. In Tanzania for example we use republic government in which the head of the state is president who is assisted by other politicians who are elected by people to run the state affairs. Tanzania as a nation, has two government namely; United Republic of Tanzania and Revolutionary government of Zanzibar (SMZ).

D. Population. Population refers to the number of people which is belongs to a particular country and living in a clearly defined area, for example in Tanzania according to the estimation of 2018, there are more than 56 million people. Census of 2022 the population of Tanzania was more than 61 million people. People within a particular country have their own government and share the common history, culture and national language. In any nation, people should form their coercive instrument to ensure peace and security in country and also they have to solve their problems faced them in social, political, cultural and economic problems.

E. Culture. Culture is the total ways of peoples live in a given community which comprises the customs and beliefs of particular group of people. Also culture in any given community may consists of people's art, language, history, way of living and social organizations. Any nation should has the culture which is practiced by the people of that particular country.


Concept of Symbol and National Symbols

A symbol refers to a mark or sign that stand for or represents an object or idea in a society. Examples of symbols are flag, badge or emblem

National symbols are the objects or signs that are designed to identify a nation from another. Tanzania as a nation has its own national symbols which differentiate from other nations. These are

? National anthem

? Uhuru torch

? The giraffe

? National currency

? Coat of arm

? National flag

? National constitution

? National language

? Presidential standard.

A. National anthem

National anthem is the official song of the nation which reflects national feelings, desire, glory and pride of people's nationality. National anthem is sung on the special occasions as follows;

? When the president is about to inspect a guard of honor.

? Before the president address the nation and after finishing the address

? At the opening of international events such as football match, conference and boxing

? When the president or vice president visits another country

? On the announcement of the death of the president or vice president

? When the national radio and television stats and ends their daily program

? When the national flag is hoisted

Importance of National Anthem

i. It is a symbol of our nationality and freedom

ii. A unifying tool for Tanzanians

iii. It makes citizens feel proud of their country

iv. It expresses a sense of belonging to Tanzania and Africa

v. It is an identity for international recognition.

B. Uhuru torch/independent torch

This is the torch of freedom which was introduced by the first president of Tanzania Julius K. Nyerere as a symbol of freedom, unity, love, dignity, solidarity and hope among Tanzanians. It was lit first on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro at midnight on 09th December 1961, the day in which Tanganyika became independent. Lighting the torch on the mountain symbolized the illumination of the whole country with freedom, bringing love where there was hatred, dignity where there was contempt and hope where there was hopeless. Also Uhuru torch is lit and through every region paraded to every part of Tanzania to bring hope and love to all people in all places within the country.

Importance of Uhuru torch

i. It acts as a unifying tool to all people of Tanzania

ii. It promotes peace, dignity, respect and hope among Tanzanians

iii. It promotes development. Whenever the Uhuru torch passes, the development projects are initiated, for example school and health centers.

iv. It symbolizes the freedom and enlightenment of the country

v. The messages passed around the country during Uhuru torch races encourage the positive social, political and economic changes in the country.

C. National currency

National currency is the system of money that the country uses as the medium of exchange in the various trade transactions. The Tanzanian national currency is called Tanzanian shilling Tsh. It appears in form of notes and coins which represent different values.


? One thousand shilling

? Two thousand shilling

? Five thousand shilling

? Ten thousand shilling


? Fifty shilling

? One hundred shilling

? Two hundred shilling

? Five hundred shilling

Importance of national currency

i. Is a symbol of people's nationality

ii. Acts as a medium of exchange and trade transaction

iii. Is an identity of nationality and freedom of a nation

iv. It is used to measure values

v. It is the means of settling debts.

D. National flag

National flag is a piece of cloth with the special colors designed to represent the nation. The national flag of the United Republic of Tanzania was hoisted for the first time on 26th April 1964 when Tanganyika and Zanzibar united to form Tanzania. The main function of the national flag is to show that Tanzania is the complete independent and sovereign state.

The national flag of Tanzania has four colors which are black, blue, green and yellow.

? Black color represents skin color of the Africans who are indigenous people of Tanzania

? Yellow color represents natural wealth of Tanzania like minerals

? Blue color represents water bodies such as ocean, lakes and rivers.

? Green color represents land and vegetation of Tanzania.

Importance of national flag

i. It is a symbol for freedom and unity of the people

ii. It is the state symbol for the country and its citizens

iii. A symbol of nationality of Tanzania

iv. A symbol of Tanzania culture

v. Sometimes it represents misfortune like death of state leader or many people at once, when it is hoisted half-mast.

E. Coat of arms/national emblem

Coat of arms is the government logo or badge which comprises many different colors and landmarks of the nation of Tanzania. It is official seal or stamp of the government and acts as national badge and therefore all government publications bear this official seal. Below is the National emblem of Tanzania

Components of coat of arms

The coat of arms of our nation comprises twelve components as follows

i. Two human figures. A man and woman to represent national unity and cooperation among Tanzanians.

ii. National flag. It is the symbol of national freedom and independence.

iii. Flame of burning uhuru torch. It symbolizes the freedom, enlightenment and prosperity.

iv. Two elephant tusks. Represent our national heritage in terms of wild life.

v. Sea waves. Represent water bodies such as ocean. Lakes and rivers and coastal lines of Tanzania.

vi. Golden band on the upper part of the shield. This represent the mineral wealth of the country

vii. Spear. It represents the symbol of traditional weapons and defense.

viii. Crossed axe and hoe. Represent tools used by the peasants and farmers on Tanzania.

ix. The red portion underneath of the flag. It symbolizes the soil (red soil) found in our country.

x. Crops (cotton and clove). Represent cash crops produced in Tanzania

xi. The word "Uhuru naUmoja". This means freedom and unity. It is the national motto of the United Republic of Tanzania.

xii. The peak of mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. This mountain is a source of pride for Tanzania.

Importance of coat of arms

i. Coat of arms is the national symbol that marks out Tanzania as a state.

ii. A symbol of state sovereignty, freedom and unity.

iii. It is the state symbol for presidency, the country and its citizens.

iv. It is the national culture and history of Tanzania.

v. It is a symbol of state power and economic base of Tanzania.

F. National language

National language is the language which is spoken by all people within a country. The national language of Tanzania is Kiswahili which is spoken by all Tanzanians. Tanzania has more than 120 tribes, but all these tribes are united by one language which is Kiswahili.

Importance of national language

i. It acts as a medium of communication between people in the country

ii. It is a symbol of culture of our nation

iii. It acts as unifying tool to people of common language and history

iv. Is a symbol for international recognition

G. National constitution

Constitution is the system of laws and basic principles that govern a state or a government. Constitution provides guidelines which a society must follow. Our country is ruled according to the constitution which was enacted in 1977.

Importance of constitution

i. It is the mother law of the country which government all laws

ii. It is the structure of state organ

iii. It describes and promotes human rights

iv. It defends citizens of Tanzania and foreigners

v. It gives people the freedom to enjoy their rights

H. Presidential standard

Presidential standard is the flag of president which is used in the official ceremonies where the president is in attendance. It has green background color with a blue border and the coat of arms in the middle. The coat of arms on the presidential flag has no crops. Human figures and the Mount Kilimanjaro. The main function of the president flag is to symbolize the authority of the president and state symbol of the president. The Presidential standard of the United Republic of Tanzania is shown below

General Importance of National Symbols of Tanzania

i. Signs of National freedom. The national symbols of Tanzania indicate the existence of national freedom in our country since independence. This show that, Tanzania is independent country in the world

ii. A unifying tool for Tanzanians. Sometimes these symbols act as the combine that united people as a single unit in Tanzania.

iii. Sense of proud. Those national symbols makes citizens of Tanzania feel proud of their country due to the presence of freedom of exercising their power

iv. Feel the love as a citizen of Tanzania. These symbols express a sense of belonging to Tanzania and Africa

v. Act as identification. The national symbol in the country stand as the identity for international recognition that Tanzania is an independent state.


1. Give the definition of the following terms

A. Nation B. National Sovereignty. C. National Symbols. D. government

2. As a citizen of Tanzania, identify and explain the national symbols of Tanzania

3. Mr. Zawadi is a chairperson of Mshikamano village, he provided a speech to the community on the importance of having the sovereign government in Tanzania. As a form four student who studied Civics subject, support Mr. Zawadi with five points.

4. The National Anthem of Tanzania has two stanzas, and it is sung by the citizens to inculcate the sense of patriotism. As a citizen of Tanzania, briefly explain any five special occasions when the National Anthem of Tanzania is sung.

5. You as a Civics expert, explain to your community by giving five points, why you think there is importance to teach the national symbols of Tanzania from nursery school education?


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