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Recognition and valuing Tanzania's National Festivals |Civics Form One Topic Two


Concept of National Festivals

National festivals are the special events marked to honor something that took place in our country. These days created by the state to celebrate and remember the important national events in the country. During the day of celebrating, the government exempts people from doing any government or official works, and therefore people are required to rest. In Tanzania, these days are known as public holiday.

Categories of Tanzania's National festivals

National festivals categorized into two groups

a. Public Religious festivals

b. Public National festivals

1. Public Religious festivals

These are holidays that marked by special religious event or festival according to belief and faith of a particular group of people. In Tanzania there are two dominant religions which have great recognition to the government namely; Islamic religion and Christian religion.

i. Islamic holidays

a. Maulidi day

This is the holiday in which the Muslims celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) who was born on 12thRabiul-Awwal according to Islamic year which was equal to 570 AD

b. Eid-El- Fitr.

This mark at the end of fasting during the holy month of Ramadhan, depend on the moon sighting. On this day the Muslims give aims to the poor. They eat together and visit one another. Actually, it is one of the happiest day for all Muslims within the country and the world at large.

c. Eid- El- Adh- ha/Eid-el- Hajj

This is the holiday in which the Muslims celebrate the end of pilgrimage to Makka on the 10thDhul-hijja according to Islamic calendar. During this day and other following three consecutive days (yaummutashriik), the Muslims slaughter the animals like camel, cow, goat or sheep and eat together. Also this day depend on moon sighting.

Muslims pilgrimages in holy city of Makka Muslims pray on open ground during eid el ftr

2. Christian holidays

a. Christmas day

This is the holiday in which the Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on 25 th December. During this day the Christians eat together and enjoy together.

b. Boxing day

This day marked on 26th December every year in which the Christians open the gift received from Christmas day.

c. Good Friday and Easter Monday

This is the holiday in which the Christians commemorate the suffering of Jesus Christ. The dates to this day change according to Christian calendar, it range between March and April.

2. Public National Festivals

These are special days falling on the important political events of the country that have very profound meaning politically. In Tanzania we have the following political holidays

i. Independence Day on 9th December. This day falls on 09th December every year to celebrate the attainment of independence Tanganyika, on 09th December 1961.

ii. Zanzibar Revolution day, on 12th January. This day falls on 12th January every year to celebrate the overthrown of the sultan's government in Zanzibar and form the majority government under the leadership of Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume. It was occurred on 12th January 1964.

iii. Union day, on 26th April. This day falls on 26th April every year to celebrate the day in which Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form United Republic of Tanzania. It was on 26th April 1964

iv. Nyerere's Memorial day, on 14th October. This day falls on 14th October every year to celebrate the memorial of the death of our first president, Julius Kambarage Nyerere who died on 14th October 1999.

v. Karume's Memorial day, on 7th April. This day falls on 07th April every year to commemorate the assassination of the first president of Zanzibar Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume who died on 07th April 1972

vi. Sabasaba day, on 7th July. This day falls on 07th July every year to celebrate the trade exhibition. Many traders from within and outside the country are invited to participate in this exhibition

vii. Nanenane day(farmers' day), on 8th August. This day falls on 08th August every year to celebrate the farmers and traders to exhibit their agricultural products, farm implements and machinery. It was conducted through the chosen of one region in a certain district in that region as the national day for celebration.

viii. New Year, on 1st January. This festival takes place on 01st January every year. it is an international holiday in which people around the world celebrate the start of new year.

ix. Labour day, on 1st May. This festival is celebrated on 01st May every year. it is also known as workers day. It is an international public festival, which is celebrated all over the world. In Tanzania this day is called Mei Mosi. On that day, workers express their grievances and expectations to the government and employers which need attention of policy and decision makers at the national level.

Importance of national festivals

i. Reflection of particular events. These days mark a reflection on the important events, hence make people be aware of them.

ii. They unify people together. These days combine people from different localities and make them feel as one.

iii. Enhance people's common culture. These days strengthens and enhance unity, solidarity, cooperation and fraternity among people who share common culture and history.

iv. Source of recreation. These are part of recreational activities as many professional workers and entertainment always accompany those events

v. To identify the problems facing the communities. These events help leaders to identify problems face the societies


1. Define the term National festivals

2. Differentiate between the following

a. Eid el fitr and Eid el Hajj

b. Christmas day and boxing day

3. There are great efforts which are put forward to promote and honor the national festivals in Tanzania, but the big problem is that, many people know nothing about these festivals. As a stakeholder toward this, educate the community to understand at least five public national festivals of Tanzania.

4. Imagine you are the ward executive officer, explain to your community, why there is important to celebrate the national festivals in Tanzania?


My Name Is Dyampaye From Tanzania Blogger Owner Interested to Provide New Updates

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