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Responsibility of Citizen Topic 5 Form One Notes


Meaning of Citizen and Citizenship

Citizen is a person who is belonged to a certain country and has the full rights as the member of that country

Citizenship is the condition that gives a person the legal right to belong to a particular country with all rights and duties in the country.


There are three types of citizenship available in Tanzania.

i. Citizenship by birth

This is type of citizenship where by a person gain citizenship by being born in Tanzania, where both of his or her parents reside in Tanzania. This is the natural citizenship

ii. Citizenship by descent

This is the type of citizenship whereby a person gains citizenship in Tanzania because one's father is a natural citizen of Tanzania. For example, if you have been born in USA and your father is a natural citizen of Tanzania, you will gain citizenship of Tanzania by descent.

iii. Citizenship by registration or naturalization By Registration.

This type of citizenship appeared only to an applicant from common wealth countries (those countries which were colonized by Britain, like Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe etc) Also it is granted to any female who is married to Tanzania even if she came from non- common wealth countries; this also some times is known as citizenship by marriage

By Naturalization.

This is appeared only to an applicant who came from non- common wealth countries. A person who is not citizen of Tanzania can apply citizenship to the Ministry for Home Affairs.

Conditions for Applying Citizenship of Tanzania

i. He or she must be a person of good behavior

ii. He or she must have live in the country for at least five years

iii. He or she must be 21 years old or above

iv. He or she must renounce his or her former citizenship.

Another kind of citizenship which is not available in Tanzania is Dual Citizenship

Dual citizenship is a kind of citizenship whereby a person is given the citizenship of two countries at the same time and has a legal right to be a member of both countries. Example, a person can be a citizen of Democratic Republic of Congo and France at the same time.

Privileges of citizenship

i. It gives people the freedom of practicing their rights. This will enables a person to exercise his or her legal rights in the country like right to vote without any kind of discrimination.

ii. It encourages citizens' participation. It allows a person to participate in civil activities in the country such as voting and attending political gathering

iii. It ensures provision of social services to the citizens. It enables a person to get services which are provided by the government to the citizens only, example free education

iv. It enables a person to get protection. It enables the citizens to get security which is provided by the government to the citizens

v. It involved the citizens in various activities. It enables the citizens to be involved in important activities for their own development.

vi. Help a person apply in various legal matters. Citizenship is useful in various legal and official matters related to getting employment in public offices and military services.

Conditions which can cause a person to lose his or her citizenship in Tanzania

A person who acquired his or her citizenship by registration/naturalization or by descent may lose it if;

i. The government is certified that the person obtained the certificate of registration by means of fraud, false representation or the concealment of any material fact

ii. The person has committed a crime such as treason or fraud

iii. The person denounces his or her Tanzanian citizenship

iv. The person hold dual citizenship between Tanzania and another country

v. The person has shown by act or speech to be disloyal to the United Republic of Tanzania

vi. The person has ordinary been resident in a foreign country for a continuous period of five years

Consequences of staying or living in a country without being a citizen of the country

i. Lacking of protection. The person will not have protection while living in the country, and ultimately will put his life at a risk of insecurity.

ii. Lacking of his freedom. The person will not have the freedom of expression and movement and other rights

iii. Can be termed as enemy and criminal. People in the country will consider the person who is illegally staying in the country as an enemy and criminal

iv. Lack the participation in various activities in the country. The person will not be involved in important activities for his own development in social, political and economic

v. Lack the right to be employed in sensitive areas. The person cannot be employed in areas such in the military and ministries

Civic Responsibilities

Responsibilities are the roles and duties that a person is required to perform as a citizen of a certain country. Any citizen of Tanzania has to do certain things in the country that make him or her accountable as the citizen of Tanzania. These duties are known as Civic responsibilities which mean active participation in the public life of a society in a committed and constructive manner. They are categorized into three groups as follows;

Political responsibilities: This category includes activities such as; voting during election, volunteering to do various economic activities, participating in local and national political party rallies, discuss various issues, hold the public office, participating in government activities etc

Economic responsibilities: This category includes doing lawful productive work, participating in community development activities, prevention and reporting various crimes and safeguards the public properties, doing activities related to paying taxes

Social responsibilities: This category includes promoting fairness, equality and social justice. Others are respecting the right of others and obeying the law etc.

Importance of civic responsibilities to communities and a nation

i. Get quality social services such as education, health, water supply, electricity and roads

ii. Be fully involved in social, political and economic activities for the development of the nation

iii. Reduce social crimes and types of wrong doing

iv. Ensure that peace and security prevail in the society

v. Improve the social welfare and well-being of special groups such as people with disabilities and children

vi. Respect others at the family, society, national and international levels.


Special groups are those groups of people who face or experience the difficulties of interacting with their environment. These people need special care and they should be assisted when they cannot carry out their responsibilities and duties. People should have the good heart of helping these groups as they can because the people who belong to this group are suffering from various problems


I. Street children. These are the children who live in street due to the various reasons from their families. They stay on the streets because they have no place to live. This is caused by the many problems such as poverty, family disintegration, abuse from their parents or guardians and even death of their parents. This problem is common in many of the African countries like Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, This group is facing with many problems such as lack social services like education, lack security for their life and property, lack basic needs such as food and shelters, live with fear and sometimes they are treated as criminals and sometimes are affected with dangerous social crimes, for example girls can be raped.

II. Old Aged People/Elderly. These are people who have advanced age. Because of their age, they cannot work effectively to get their living like young men because they become less energetic. Their age some time may cause poor eyesight, poor muscle control, physical and mental disabilities. Elderly people need special care. They are faced with many problems such as may lack basic needs such as food, clothes, shelter and health, may be left to live alone, lack attention and may be killed due to the negative cultural practices like witch craft

III. Refugees. These are people who migrate from their countries and go to live and settle in foreign countries because of insecurity in their home countries. They run their countries because of; Political conflicts that emerged in their home countries, Rise of civil wars in their home countries, Social conflicts among themselves such as intertribal wars, Economic problems such as lack of food, Religious conflicts and Natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods. They are faced with many problems such as; lack education, lack food, lack proper housing, Their families are separated and can be affected by the explosion diseases due to lack of health care

IV. People with Disabilities. This is the group of people who face variety of problems such as physical mental disabilities or psychological problem that make it difficult for them to act in normal condition. For example, some have difficult in speaking (dumb) hearing impairment (deaf), visual impairment (blind) writing or walking difficulties. .

V. People with HIV/AIDS. These are people who are infected with Human Immune deficiency virus. The viruses attack the white blood cells that protect the human body from infection and diseases. These people are facing with many problems such lack of basic needs, stigmatizing from the communities and they feel inferior to the communities.

VI. Orphan children. Are those children under 18 years old who lost one or both biological parents. We need to help orphan in case of sickness or other conditions since they have no one to take care of them.

The needs of special groups

i. Acceptance. The people in a special group need acceptance and the right to be heard by others

ii. Provision special services. They need special services like others. People in a community are supposed to engage themselves in providing the special care to the needy

iii. Provide special care to them. The people in a special group need special attention because of their disabilities

iv. Showing them empathy. They need empathy, they should not be blamed for their disabilities

v. Giving them equal rights. The people in the special group need all citizens' rights like others such as right to vote.

Responsibilities of the citizens towards the special groups

i. Give them assistance whenever necessary. Assisting these people by providing materials and financial support. This will help them to get basic needs

ii. Give them good interaction. Interacting with them at home and in the community meeting and allowing them to express their opinions and feelings

iii. Showing them respect and understanding. Respect will value them and they feel comfortable to express their opinions

iv. Give them education. Providing education to all depending on their special needs. This will help them to master their environment and to fight for their rights

v. Supporting them physically. Supporting them physically when they need help, for example when people with disabilities such as blind are crossing the road

vi. Providing counseling and socialization. Providing counseling to them and socializing with them because some special groups need much socialization and counseling, for example people with HIV/AIDS. This will enable them to be free from stress


1. Give the short notes of the following terms

a. Citizen b. citizenship c. responsibilities d. special groups e. Dual citizenship

2. Identify and explain three kinds of citizenship

3. Juma and Ally are both citizens of Tanzania, give five privileges provided to them by the government

4. Matata lived in Tanzania illegally for two years now. There are some problems that he is facing. You as a citizen of Tanzania, justify five harmful conditions that Matata face as a result of violating the law of our country.

5. As the community development officer, explain to the community five points on how the people should undertake their responsibilities effectively as the citizens of Tanzania

6. As a citizen of Tanzania, identify and explain five different special groups in Tanzania which need special care from a community

7. Suppose you are the head of charity development group in your village, propose five needs of various special groups to be undertaken by the community in order to brings good relationship among the people in a society

8. In five points, show to what extent the citizens of Tanzania are responsible towards different special groups in the country?

9. Consider yourself as an officer from UNICEF, explain to the community five problems facing the streets children in many African countries

10. By giving five points, explain why do you think most of the African countries are the victims of the problem of street children?

11. In many of the developing countries in Africa, there is the problem of refugees. As an officer from UNHCR, explain five root causes of the refugees in a community


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