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Work Form One Notes Topic 6 (Six)


Meaning of career and related concepts Career

A career is an occupation or job that someone does for a long period of his or her life. One can have a career in accountancy, medicine, teaching, political science, engineering, marketing, psychology, journalism, law and other fields

Career choice

This means choosing the job that one likes. For example, some people may choose careers in teaching, law, engineering, accountancy and others. After choosing a career, one needs to further develop it

Career development

Career development means doing things which enable a person to excel in the career he or she has chosen. For example, an individual may undergo further training so as to improve knowledge and skills in relation to a career.

Factors affecting career development

i. Personal characteristics or internal motivation. Personal characteristics may play a significant role in choosing the occupation. For example, people who like serving others are likely to choose and enjoy working as teachers, doctors, social workers, councilors and others.

ii. Age. Age play an important role in career development. Some careers need a person of a certain age. Advanced age affect the career development

iii. Health problem and disabilities. Health problem and disabilities may make difficulty to some people to develop their careers

iv. Financial resources. Some people fail to develop their careers because of financial problem. Some careers need a lot of money to develop them. Lack of money may make it difficult to a person to develop his or her career.

v. Family obligation. Some people fail to develop their careers because of the family matters such as caring a sick person or family responsibilities. All these may affect one's career development

vi. External motivation. External forces may make difficult to the people to develop their careers. For instance encouragement and approval from people can affect one's effort to develop his or her career

Importance of developing a career

i. Helps an individual to move in the right direction and achieve personal goals

ii. Promote knowledge, skills and professionalism

iii. Strengthens motivation and confidence

iv. Improves efficiency and production in an organization

v. Enables organizations to reduce costs by maximizing the use of individuals who get career development opportunities internally

vi. Facilitates better utilization of employees' skills and knowledge

Meaning of work

Work is any lawful or legal economic activity that a person can do and get his or her income from that activity. It may involve the official and formal employment or even works based on informal employment. People work to produce goods and services that are needed by the communities. It is important to any person in the societies to work in order to earn living. Those who are required to work are people who attained 18 years and above.


There are two types of works, namely;

i. Physical works

ii. Mental works.

i. Physical works

These are kind of works in which a person can do by using his or her physical abilities and body strengths to perform the activities. These include; making bricks, livestock keeping, fishing, lumbering, plumbing, painting and many others

ii. Mental works

These are kind of works in which a person can do by using his or her skills and mental abilities. Most of these works are based on professional skills. These works include; teaching, nursing, banking, engineering, journalism, accountant and many others.

Classification of careers and field in which people may find various job

i. Agriculture, food and resource production. In this field, people work as farmers and livestock keepers, engage in crops, energy or oil production and the distribution of commodities such as wood and animal products

ii. Architecture and construction. People do activities related to designing, engineering, physical labour, planning, management and drafting

iii. Finance. In this field, people work as financial analysts, bank managers and staff, accountant, auditors, salesmen, investment bankers, investments analysts, financial planners, insurance brokers and others

iv. Transport, distribution and logistics. People may be interested in working in such fields as airlines, shipping, road or railway transportation

v. Manufacturing. In the manufacturing field, people may be employed as line workers, labourers, operation managers, quality professionals, design engineers, system analysts, supply chain specialists and machines maintenance personnel

vi. Health science. In this field, people may work as doctors, nurses, medical scientists, disease management professionals and others

vii. Human services. People working in this area include social workers, councilors, psychologists, caseworkers, the state and city officials,

viii. Marketing, sales and services. People working in marketing include designers, account executive, salesmen and customer service personnel

ix. Hospitality and tourism. In this field, people work as waiters and waitresses, hotel and restaurant managers, tour guide, travel guide, resort workers and operational staff in any type of leisure or travel- related industry.

x. Law, public safety and security. In the legal profession, people work as lawyers, legal advisors, advocates, judge, court officials and others

xi. Science, engineering and information technology. The careers in such sector include people working as natural scientists, physicians, data scientists, biotechnologists and others.

xii. Education and training. This include teachers, education administrators, physical education trainers, lectures, tutors, mentors, special needs professionals and academic advisors

xiii. Arts, journalism and mass communication. It involves people working as actors, musicians, singers, photographers, news analysts and reporters, graphic designers, authors and editors.

Procedures of choosing careers

i. Assess yourself (knowing yourself). Think about where you are, where you want to be in the future and how you will get there. Make self-assessment promotes the making of proper decisions in choosing a satisfying career to achieve your goals, interests and talent.

ii. List careers of your interest. Find information on different careers and work-related activities in your community. Read newspapers, books and magazines, watch television programs and visit social media networks to find new career opportunities

iii. Identify option. Find detailed information about procedures, conditions and other important requirement for each career. For example if you want to be an engineer find out what skills, education and values an engineer needs to have.

iv. Narrow down your list of career and work-related activities. Chose the best career after assessing all the options. Make sure that the career matches your interests, values, strengths and talents

v. Be focused. Do not get distracted by other people's opinions as long as the choice suits your values, strengths and talents. Focusing on the career of your choice increases chances of achieving your dream.

Sources of information on careers

i. Parents and guardians. These people can expose you to information about certain careers. Parents can give you information about procedures, conditions and requirements pertaining to a given career

ii. Peers or friends. These are important people who may give you information about social, academic and economic matters. Normally, our friends and peers play a vital role in influencing us to choose a particular career

iii. Mass media. The information we receive from television, radio, newspapers, magazines and journals may inform us about different careers

iv. Internet. Browsing the internet and social network such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and Instagram may expose you to careers that match your interests

v. Occupational visits. With the help of subject teacher, the students can visit certain organizations, institutions, companies or factories to learn about work-related activities. Through such visits, you become aware of the various procedures, conditions and requirements necessary to particular careers and work-related activities.

vi. Visiting libraries and career information centres. You may visit libraries or career information centres and look at the catalogue labeled "vocations" or "careers" to find a career or job of your interest. If your future interest is to work with animals, you may find related descriptions by veterinarians, zoologist, animal trainers and individuals who work with animals

vii. Inviting guest speaker. People working in different organizations, companies, institutions and government offices can be invited to talk to students about their careers and work experience. If that done, the students can be exposed to different careers or job.

Importance of Works to an individual development

i. Reduce poverty. Works decrease poverty to both a nation and individual person because the income obtained is used to run the life costs

ii. Works increase income. Always works help both a nation and individual person. Through works a person and government in general will increase their income to facilitate various activities

iii. Works facilitate the development. Also works contribute to the increase of the national and individual development

iv. Growth of economy. Works contribute to the growth of the economy of a nation and individual person

v. Help to secure social services. Works helps the government to provide social services to the people in the country

vi. Satisfaction of human needs. Work enables people to satisfy basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. For example, farmers produce crops for sale to get money for other needs. Doctors, bank managers, teachers, social workers, engineers or lawyers are paid salaries to fulfill for their needs

Importance of Works for the National development

i. Works reduce poverty to a nation. Through works, a nation may reduce the rate of poverty among its people.

ii. Works increase a national income. Through works, a nation may increase its income by imposing tax to the workers. People do work and earn money to pay tax

iii. Works facilitate the development of a nation. A nation employs people to work in different sectors, this may increase the development in a nation

iv. Growth of national economy. Works contribute to the growth of the economy of a nation. The income obtained from work enables a nation to be economically independent and free from external control

v. Enhance provision of social services. Works enable the government to provide social services needed by people. People in the public sector working as teachers, doctors and engineers work on behalf of the government in the provision of social services.

vi. Increase of production in a nation. Works increase the production of a nation


1. Briefly give the meaning of the following terms

a. Career b. Career choice c. Career development d. Work

2. Differentiate between physical related works and mental related works

3. "There are several factors which affect the career development of a person." This statement was said by the Minister of works and youth development. As one of youth, propose five factors to support the statement of the Minister.

4. Assume you want to be professional in one among the careers that you heard from your friends. Apply the knowledge you have to identify the procedures of choosing career that you wish to concentrate with.

5. You have been appointed as a guest speaker to give talk to the students on how they can find the sources of the careers they want to deal with. Give six points in your talk

6. High standard of life and work are inseparable. In the light of this statement, highlight five points on the importance of work to human development

7. Work and development are inseparable. In the light of this statement, highlights the advantages of works to the national development.


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