GE 144 Introduction to Survey and Map Science Slides

GE 144 Slides | Introduction To Survey and Map Science

GE 144 Stands For Introduction to Survey and Map Science. GE 144 Course offered at different Universities in Tanzania Including the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Particularly St Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT). The major Objective of GE 144 Introduction to Survey and Map Science is to Equip Students With Basic Surveying and Cartography Mapping Skills.

GE 144 Introduction To Survey And Map Science Description | Course Description 

The Course Introduce to Learners the Essential Surveying, cartographic and Mapping Techniques also Geographical Method Such as Ground Surveying, Map Measurements and Production, Photogrammetry are Covered.

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Model 6:Map Reading

Model 7: Relief on the Map and Interpretation

Model 8: Map Projection

Model 9: Map Design and Production

Model 10: Photogrammetry and Photo Interpretation

GE 144 Introduction to Survey and Map Science Learning Outcome.

GE 144 Learning Out Measured through Test also Examination (UE). The Following are the Learning Outcomes of GE 144 Introduction to Survey and Map Science.
1. By the End of GE 144 Learner should be able to classify/illustrate different types of surveying methods.
2. By the end of GE 144 learners should be able to explain the importance of survey and map making and production.
3. By the end of GE 144 learners should be able to read and Interpretation different types of Map.
4. By the end of GE 144 learners should be able to Distinguish different elements and types of photographs
5. By the end of GE 144 learners should be able to explain how photographs are produced and interpreted
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