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HESLB | Higher Education Students Loans Board - Login

The Higher Student Loan Board (HESL) -  HESL SOPA Login Account

HESLB | Higher Education Students Loans Board -Login

Tanzania Government Launched HESLB - The Higher Students Loans Board in 2004 under Act No. 9. The main Role is assisting Form Students Admitted at Universities with Eligibility to access Loans From HESLB - The Higher Students Loans Board. This Post provides crucial Information About HESLB- The Higher Education Students Loans Board Such as How to Create a Login HESLB Password and HESLB Partnership. Therefore, Keep Reading for More Important Information about The Higher Students Loans Board (HESLB) as described above Particularly the acknowledged Mandate since 2004 when Established as a Contact Corporate Body. Under this Discovery The Higher Students Loans Board (HESLB) contact Information and Location of HESLB Offices.

The Higher Students Loans Board (HESLB) Partnerships

The Higher Students Loans Board ( HESLB) Working with other Institutions to Ensure allocation of Loans to Eligible University Students. Such that HESLB - The Higher Education Students Loans Board worked with the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU), the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA), Zanzibar Higher Education Students Loans Board (ZHESLB), Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF), TAMISEMI and Social Action Trust Fund (SATF).

1. HESLB Partnership with TCU, The Higher Students Loans Board working with the Tanzania Commission of Universities ( TCU) since The Higher Students Loans Board ( HESLB) offers loans and Grants to Students admitted to any Registered University Institution in Tanzania. Therefore, The Higher Students Loans Board ( HESLB) offers Loans to Students with admission to any University Recognized by the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU).

2. HESLB Partnership with the National Examinations Council Of Tanzania (NECTA), The Higher Students Loans Board (HESLB) offers loans to Students with Form Four and Form Six Results to Verify whether Graduate students are eligible for further higher education. For example, without Form Four and Form Six Index numbers, the HESLB Form can Not Submitted to the Higher Students Loans Board for Loans allocation.

3.  HESLB Partnership with NACTVET, The Higher Students Loans Board ( HESLB) working with the National Council For Technical and Vocational Education and Training to Ensure the allocation of Loans and Grants to Diploma Students who are eligible for loan applications. Tanzania under Dr. Samia Suluhu extended Loans allocation to Diploma Students. Therefore, Diploma Students who are Admitted to The Higher Education Institutions are LoanRequired to Feel Their Diploma Admissions Number For Loans Application. 

4. HESLB Partnership With Tanzania Social Action Fund ( TASAF), The Higher Students Loans Board ( HESLB) provides a Prior chance to TASAF members. To enable them to access Loans and Grants for Further Education.

You May Read More About How HESLB cooperates with TAMISEMI, ZHESLB, and SATF on the Higher Students Loans Board's official Website.


1. Meals and Accommodation: The Board may provide loans for Meals and Accommodation at the rate of TZS 8,500.00 per day while on campus for theoretical instructions in the academic year.

2.Tuition Fee Rates: The Board may provide tuition fee loans to a maximum of TZS 3,100,000.00 per annum based on the comparable rates charged by public institution and also depending on the types of the programme offered by the comparable public institutions. Maximum applicable tuition fees for all successful loan applicants shall be pegged to the equivalent current - HESLB-approved - highest - tuition fees payable in Public Higher Education Institutions.

3. Books and Stationary expenses: A maximum of TZS 200,000.00 per annum for Books and Stationery may be granted to eligible and needy students.

4. Special Faculty Requirement: Subject to Means Testing results, the Board may provide Special Faculty Requirement (SFR) loans up to 100% but only for study programs that require special faculty requirement items and only for specified items as approved by TCU/ NACTVET based on the rates comparable to public institutions. Within the amount allocated for Special Faculty Requirements, eligible and needy students with disability may be provided with loans to cover special academic material requirements as may be determined by the Board.

The Higher Students Loans Board ( HESLB Login)

HESLB Login Account to access your Crucial Information Such as HESLB Loans Board Form Submitted with All Information Such as Preliminary Information, Bank Accounts Information Few Analyzedaddresses.

NB: Use the Link above to Check If You have Summited HESLB application Form Successfully to avoid denial of Loans Allocation From The Higher Students Loans Board (HESLB).

The Higher Education Students Loans Board (HESLB)  Contact Information.

Most People are Seeking ways/ Method on how they can contact The Higher Education Students Loans Board (HESLB). You can Contact The Higher Education Students Loans Board ( HESLB) Through Almost Three Methods, Email, Mobile Phone, and postal Address finally Through Physical Contact You can Visit HESLB Office Physically.

HESLB House, 1 Kilimo Street,TAZARA Area, Mandela Road, P.O.Box 76068,

15471 Dar es Salaam,


+255 22 286 4643
+255 22 286 4640

NB: The Higher Education Students Loans Board Application Fees Tsh 30000/= paid at the Beginning of Online Loans Application. Keep Visiting Dyampaye Home of Learning For More Update About The Higher Students Loans Board ( HESLB)


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