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How to request UDSM Transcript Pdf

How to request UDSM Aris 3 Transcript Pdf

How to request University of Dar es Salaam Transcript Pdf 

UDSM Transcript, refer to a written copy or printed copy of recorded University of Dar es Salaam Results. Get PDF UDSM Transcript For Future Use Also, Learn all Procedures on how to Download  Transcript PDF. Under this Post Learn Important Information Required During Requesting University of Dar es Salaam PDF Transcript after completing Third Year or Fourth Year depending on University of Dar es Salaam Year of Study Duration.

Important Information Before Requesting Transcript 

Before Requesting UDSM Transcript Make sure you have Aris 3 UDSM Username and Password for easily accessing Aris 3 UDSM Account. Therefore, Keep you UDSM Aris 3 Password and Username For Future Use. Also, Get Trans script request Form Below.

Trans script Request Form | DOWNLOAD PDF
  1. Login to your ARIS 3 Account.
  2. Go to Academic Menu and click “My Transcript Requests’’ sub menu.
  3. Click “Add New Request’’ button.
  4. Fill in the pop-up menu (including number of copies and permanent address) and save your request.
  5. Shortly after saving your request you will receive your Control Number.
  6. After receiving your Control Number make payments
  7. Download Transcript Request Form, fill it and append the attachments stated in the form.
  8. Submit your Transcript Request Form physically at the Sisal House Building (Former School of Education Building).
Make sure that Control Number Generated on Aris 3 UDSM. Also, You may contact UDSM through Postal Address, Mobile Phone Number and Email. Get Contact Information Below.

UDSM Contact Information 

Postal Address 35091
Dar es Salaam
Call Us: +255-22-2410513
Email:: dus@udsm.ac.tz

Importance of Aris 3 UDSM

University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) used Aris 3  to manage learning activity particularly  Accommodation Services to Hostel Dweller.

1. Keep Examination Results Records: UDSM Aris 3 keeps record of Examination Results Such as University Examination results.

2. Keeps Coursework assessment Records: Also, UDSM Aris 3 used to keep records of Coursework assessment privacy and secured.

Also, with Aris 3 UDSM, University of Dar es Salaam Students use Aris 3 to make payment of school fees and Accommodation payment.


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