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List of Private Universities in Tanzania Accredited and Charted by Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU)

List of Private Universities in Tanzania  Accredited and Charted by Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU)

List of Private Universities in Tanzania Accredited and Charted by Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU).

Private Owned Universities Accredited and Charted by Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU) In Swahili Termed as Vyuo Vya Private. Most People are Seeking a Universities Institutions For Studying. It's better to Determine the University Ownership before Applying For Studies. In Tanzania, there are 49 Universities Registered by the Tanzania Commission of  Universities (TCU). Among 49 Universities accredited and Chartered by the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU), Some are owned Privately by Churches and Individuals. In this Article, You may acknowledge all Universities under Private ownership in Tanzania. (Private Universities in Tanzania).

Keep Reading this article to get a full list of private universities in Tanzania. Also, Private Universities are those universities registered by the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU). Also, Private Universities in Tanzania are Charted by the Tanzania Commission of Universities to Offer Learning Services to the Majority and to Produce Professionals who could work in Various Aspects or areas to Save Societal Needs.

Full List of Private Universities in Tanzania - Charted by Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU).

Check the Full List of Private Universities Registered by the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU). Also, Learn More about Private Universities on the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU) Official Website.

 1. Kairuki University (KU), formerly HKMU Dar es Salaam Accredited and Chartered.

2. Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT) Zanzibar Accredited.

3. St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) Mwanza Accredited and Chartered. 

4. Zanzibar University (ZU) Zanzibar Accredited and Chartered.

 5. Tumaini University Makumira (TUMA) Arusha Certificate of Full Registration and Chartered. 

6. Aga Khan University (AKU) Dar es Salaam Accredited and Chartered. 

7. Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Mwanza Accredited. 

8. University of Arusha (UoA) Arusha Accredited and Chartered. 

9. St. Joseph University in Tanzania (SJUIT) Dar es Salaam Accredited.
10. Teofilo Kisanji University (TEKU) Mbeya Accredited and Chartered.

 11. Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) Moshi Accredited.

 12. Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Morogoro Accredited and Chartered.

13. University of Iringa (UoI) Iringa Accredited.

14. St. John's University of Tanzania (SJUT) Dodoma Accredited and Chartered. 

15. Kampala International University in Tanzania (KIUT) Dar es Salaam Accredited. 

16. United African University of Tanzania (UAUT) Dar es Salaam Accredited. 

17. Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU) Iringa Accredited. 

18. Mwanza University (MzU) Mwanza Provisional Licence.

 19. Catholic University of Mbeya (CUoM), formerly CUCoM Mbeya Accredited.
20. Dar es Salaam Tumaini University (DarTU), formerly TUDARCo Dar es Saaam Accredited.
21. Rabininsia Memorial University of Health and Allied Sciences (RMUHAS) Dar es Salaam Provisional Licence. 

22. University of Medical Sciences and Technology (UMST) Dar es Salaam Provisional Licence.

Therefore, On the Above List, you have to Observe the Head Office of the University's Particularly Status Such as The Mwanza University (MzU), Mwanza - Head Office, Provisional Licence - Status.

The public is hereby notified that any university institution which does not appear in this list is NOT authorised to offer university education in Tanzania in line with the Universities Act, Cap. 346. The public is requested to report any suspicious institution. Check More Information about Universities on TCU official Website.


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