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Top 12 Public / Government Universities in Tanzania - Vyuo Vya Serikali Tanzania

Top 12 Public / Government Universities in Tanzania - Vyuo Vya Serikali Tanzania

Top 12 Public / Government Universities in Tanzania - Vyuo Vya Serikali Tanzania

Check List ya Vyuo Vya Serikali Tanzania, Top 12 Government Universities Registered and Accredited by Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU). In this article, you will explore the top Universities owned by the Tanzania Government Particularly the Location and Courses offered by Each University as Identified on Dyampaye.co.tz. In Tanzania, there are 49 Universities under the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU)some are owned by the Government of Tanzania while Other Universities are owned Privately by Individuals and Churches. Get Details about Public or Government Universities by Visiting the Tanzania Commission of Universities Official Website.

List of Top 12 Government-Owned Universities in Tanzania | Orodha ya Vyuo Vinavyomilikiwa na Serikali Tanzania

1. University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM)
University of Dar es Salaam Started in 1961 Soon After Independence as the College of the University of London, but when reached 1970 established as a National University. Therefore, the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) are Public Owned University Located in the Dar es Salaam Region. The University of Dar es Salaam offers Bachelor's Degree Program, Certificate, Master's, Diploma, and Doctorate Programs. Formely University of Dar es Salaam was established with Three Main Objectives as analyzed below.
  1. To transmit knowledge as the basis of Action from One Generation to Another Generation.
  2. To act as a center of advancing frontiers of knowledge through Scientific Research.
  3. To Mean the High Level of Human Resources needs of the society.
NB: Muhimbili Health College of Allied Science (MUHAS), Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), and Mkwawa University College of Education (MUCE) Belong to the University of Dar es Salaam as the Main Campus.

2. Sokonne University of Agriculture (SUA).
The Sokonne University of Agriculture is a public university established in 1984 as the Agricultural College offered Diploma Training in the principle of Agriculture. Sokonne University of Agriculture (SUA) is Located in the Morogoro Region. Best Top Five Colleges at the Sokonne University of Agriculture. College of Natural and Applied Sciences (1st) 2. College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism (2nd) 3. College of Agriculture (3rd) 4. National Carbon Monitoring Centre (4th) 5. College of College of Economics and Business Studies (4th) 6. Sokoine National Agricultural Library (5). Also, Visit the Sokonne University of Agriculture (SUA) Official website.

3. Open University of Tanzania (OUT).
Open University of Tanzania (OUT), is the Public University accredited by the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU). Also, the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Offering Both Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor's Degree Courses through Distance Learning.

4. State University of Zanzibar (SUZA).
The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) was established by Act No. 8 of 1999 of the Zanzibar House of Representatives which was then amended by Act No. 11 of 2009, and further re-amended by Act No. 7 of 2016. His Excellency Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi, the President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council is the Chancellor of the University. The University became operational in September 2001. Also, Learn More Information about the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)  On SUZA Official Website.

5. Mzumbe University (MU).
Mzumbe University are public University established by the Mzumbe University Charter, 2007 under Section 25 of the Universities Act. No. 7 of 2005 which repealed Mzumbe University Act. No 9 of 2001. As a Training Institute, the University boasts over 50 years experience of in training the administration of justice, business management, public administration, accountancy, finance, political science, and good governance. Mzumbe University is Located in the Morogoro Region.

6. Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST).
NM-AIST are public university located in the Arusha Region offering almost 30 Courses identified by the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU).For more information about Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST). Visit the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU) Official Website.

7.  Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)
The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) started as the Dar es Salaam Medical School in 1963. The school then transformed into the faculty of medicine of the University of Dar es Salaam that in 1991 was upgraded and became a college–the Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS). In 1996, the Faculty of Medicine was upgraded to a constituent College of the University of Dar es Salaam, to nurture it into a full-fledged university later on was merged with the Muhimbili Hospital to create the Muhimbili Medical Centre (MMC).

8. Ardhi University (ARU).
ARU Is a public University located Near the University of Dar es Salaam in Dar es Salaam Region. Ardhi University has been accredited and charted by the Tanzania Commission of Universities. Also, Offered 69 Doctorate, Masters, and Bachelor Degree Programs.

9. University of Dodoma (UDOM).
The University is located about 8 km east of the city center and is accessible by public transport, which is easily available from the city center. Given the central location of Dodoma, UDOM is strategically positioned to serve applicants around the country and specifically Government and private sector employees living in Dodoma, who hitherto could not find training opportunities in the area. Such employees can comfortably utilize UDOM to combine work and study for their career advancement. Additionally, the geographical location and Dodoma weather render UDOM a convenient place for international students.

10. Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST).
MUST is a public University accredited and Charted by the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU). Mbeya University of Science and Technology is located in Mbeya.

11. Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology (MJNUAT).

12. Moshi Cooperative University (MoCU).

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