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Download GE 145 | Introduction to Environmental Education PDF

GE 145 | Introduction to Environmental Education
Download GE 145 | Introduction to Environmental Education PDF

Introduction To Environmental Education Slides | GE 145 Slides For Examination Preparation Also Acknowledgements of Knowledge For Future Use. Download GE 145 Introduction to Environmental Education Slides. GE 145 Introduction to Environmental Education Offered at the University Of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM) and St Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT). Get University Learning Material Particularly GE 145 Introduction to Environmental Education on www.dyampaye.co.tz  For Knowledge Acknowledgement. 

How To Use GE 145 Introduction to Environmental Education Slides

University Learning Slides Particularly, GE 145 Introduction to Environmental Education Would be useful as a guideline of what you are required to understand. Then you have to do deep Study From different Scholars, Books, and Articles on  Your Respective Subjects. Therefore University Slides particularly GE 145 Introduction to Environmental Education Possess a smaller percentage But More Knowledge Found in the Library.


Note: Each Unit stands for a Module. I.e. Unit 1 Stand For Module 1

Course objectives: The objective of the GE 145 Introduction to Environmental Education course, is to enhance students’ awareness of environmental challenges and influence change in their attitude and behavior towards caring for the environment.

Course description: This course introduces students to the principles, and methodologies of environmental education and impacts knowledge and skills for making environmentally responsible decisions in the management of environment and natural resources. The course delivery methods include lectures, group discussions, and presentations. 


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