Bible Knowledge Form Four CSEE (NECTA) New Examination Format.
The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA) Approved New Bible Knowledge Examination Forma. In order to implement the shift from Content based to Competencies based National Examination Council of Tanzani (NECTA) decided to improve the Examination Format to meet the New Educational Needs.
Bible Knowledge Examination Formats, is the designed documents which outlines all important contents to be included in exams so as to make an assessment of inteded goals particularly Assessment tools.
Bible Knowledge Form Four Examination Formats, Includes all topics to be covered in Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) From Form One to Form Four particularly cognitive level to be measured.
The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA) New Format, is crucial to larger extent infuluence the way students will learn particularly what contents to be learn at period of time arranged.
Table of specialization is the table which is prepared to ensure the validity of the examination or texts as it helps teachers to design and construct exams by align content, objective and cognitive level as propounded by philosophers .
What are the benefits of table of specialization during exams or tests formation.
1. Table of specialization ensures validity of the exams. With the core table of specialization educators may conduct tests which aimed to measure the individuals goals.
2. Also table of specialization facilitates Balananced assessment, the use of table of specialization helps teacher to include all topics that are taught to be covered in the tests.
3. Improve test construction as well as it Provide framework for systematically constructing tests questions.